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Debate Score:42
Total Votes:48
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Atrag(5666) pic

Prodigee: an internet forum addict?


He told me recently that he 'rules the roost here'. As if he were proud of it. Its an internet forum. It plays the most minor part in my life, and I guess the lives of most of us here. For him it seems that there is something worth ruling. Something of great value to him personally. He posts around 100 posts per day. You can see his sleep pattern because its the only time of day when there's no posts by him.

The fact is he shouldn't be here. He has been banned. He has damaged to site to the extent that Andy has had to pay money to repair it. Yet he still comes back. My point is that even though he is a very sick individual with the sort of addiction that dominants that completel dominants his life, I wouldn't want anyone to feel sorry for him because he can still control the way he acts. He didnt have to cause the damage that he did.


Side Score: 25


Side Score: 17
3 points

So true.

Side: Yes
2 points

Yes... he's addicted to the attention and you (we?) are only feeding it. Same goes for Dizzy Izzy and several others. It's sad really but they are not worth the time it takes to understand them.

Side: Yes
1 point

They are not worth the time it takes to understand them.

Oh and you are so much better than us, you pro-life moronic Jesus ass-licking bitch.

Side: No
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

He hasn't caused any damage to the site. Nor has he been banned.

Side: Yes
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
0 points

Jesus's ass?

I'm not even religious... fool.

Like I said... It's sad the way you guys are.

Beyond that, your not even worth my time.

Side: Yes
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

My name is Dana and I aint dizzy, my real true logic has you in a tizzy.

Side: No
1 point

He probably has undiagnosed bipolar disorder and maybe schizpohrenia too. I say this not to insult, but because I hate to see people suffer. I want him to get treatment.

Side: Yes
1 point

Maybe.... but then again, maybe he's just an idiot.

Side: Yes
1 point

True that. .

Side: Yes

Likely, again why does this matter?---------------------------

Side: Yes
1 point

An addict? Maybe. But I also think he's cleaned up his act quite a lot. I have a lot more contact with him in his current incarnation and I've found him to be quite a pleasant chap to interact with. I realize, of course, that not everyones experiences will necessarily be the same as mine.

Side: Yes
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

He told me that my father should have raped me. He is a pig, and he is lucky that I cannot find him.

Side: No
1 point

Yeah, that's a pretty horrible and inappropriate thing to say. You two seem to really bring out the worst in one another. Maybe it's best not to engage him. Not easy, I know. But trust that people don't put much stock in what he has to say about you.

Side: No

Mind your own fucking business, you pseudo-therapist asshole.

Side: No
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

troll up from bedtime?

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

You shouldn't be here and I want everyone to see what a weak pathetic creature you are. When anyone looks at the facts concerning how often you post and the sort of things you say about how important this site is then it becomes obvious.

I'm making it my business.

Side: Yes
2 points

Your attempts at bullying me off of this site are that of a three year-old trying to bully their mother into buying them sweets by crying in the supermarket. You will not win. I have met enough bullies to last me a lifetime.

Side: No
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

We already know this... You're feeding the troll. We leave it be.

Side: Yes
2 points

I do not know Prodigee. And i do not want to talk bad about him. I do not want to risk hurting anybody's feelings. And i think by making this debate, you are giving him what you want. He do has some dominance on this site...i mean look, people are making debate about him. And what's worse, it is debates against him. It is worse because in some way, it is contradicting because making debates about him is in some way of praising him.

Side: No

Through all the grammatical errors is a blissful message. This is a debate site and you have debated very well indeed. :)

Side: No

Thank you for your kindness :) I realized my grammatical errors. And when i came back to this debate, then i found your comment. xD There were errors i need to fix. xD

edit. lol it's you prodigee. xD

Side: No
TheThinker(1697) Clarified
1 point

fixing some errors. "you are giving him what HE wants. He do has some dominance..."

"It is worse because it is a contradiction. It is a contradiction because in some way you are praising him."

grammar error -_-

Side: Yes