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 Q2 Assess the impact of foreign media on the youth of your society. (34)

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josepaolo(50) pic

Q2 Assess the impact of foreign media on the youth of your society.

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1 point

It influences our views on culture. We feel that traditional cultures are not as important as Western cultures and youths nowadays prefer following the western culture. FASHION ESPECIALLY.

josepaolo(50) Disputed
1 point

But what's the value of 'traditional culture'... so what if we lose it? Maybe the Western culture is better for us?

AmirahAziz(2) Disputed
1 point

As what syahirah says, traditional culture has been around since centuries ago and these culture has been our guidelines in life. Well mostly. Aside from religion, we look to cultures to guide us. it also forms our way of thinking.

iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point

It influences our views on culture.

Why? Culture is inherently dependent on a point of view. For example my parents dressed far differently than myself. But that I dress different, should not in any way influence how I perceive culture as a whole. If I were a teenager in 1970 I would dress in a similar fashion. I cannot say that my parents were wrong, or dumb, or anything else. I understand that the culture at the time was different.

We feel that traditional cultures are not as important as Western cultures and youths nowadays prefer following the western culture.

Why is anything a matter of importance? I feel pretty safe in guessing you are not from a Western culture or this would not be a debate, but you realize Western "culture" changes almost every decade and has been for a couple hundred years and not an apocalypse has yet to fall upon us. Culture should be mailable it seems. More important is the general human experience. Least from what I've seen.


Which is why I used above examples. But it is more than just fashion. I see you say "except religion" in the two debates you've posted so far. I'm an atheist so I only believe in people, but if I were religious as the vast majority of people I know are, it still should only affect people on a personal level. If say I believe in a God whose prophet was named Muhammad or Jesus or Abraham or any number of other religious names, that would be my religion. My God, as an all powerful being is capable enough of telling others about their existence. That God is also capable enough of judging "culture" or fads or fashions or how an individual chooses to live on His own. There is no reason for me to interfere with the "culture" connected with a religion different than my own.

Culture is important, but it should never be made to be more important than general human existence. There is no reason that every culture cannot co-exist. There is not any reason past cultures should not be held as just as important as current or future cultures. No one person, group of people, or even entire "culture" is in any position to judge another at all I believe.

If one wants to immerse themself in what they consider "Western" culture, then they should have that opportunity. If one wants to dress, act, and go about their day holding the traditions of a completely different culture, the two should be able to live side-by-side without any problem. If they cannot, only then is there something inherently wrong with the culture which does not allow this diversion.

Side: free your mind
1 point

Foreign media erodes local, traditional culture that has been existing for centuries as youth are more easily infleunced by the mass media today. When exposed to a large range and variety of culture that seem more appealing, young people tend to forget their roots and culture that future generations have practiced.

Side: free your mind
josepaolo(50) Disputed
1 point

but again, what's the value of traditional culture? so what if we lose it? why do we need to protect it from the influence of "foreign media"?

Side: free your mind
syahirah(2) Disputed
1 point

Traditional culture defines who we are, or who our predecessors were. Erosion of traditional culture is like eroding the identity of past generations.

Side: free your mind
iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point

Okay, this is kind of a ridiculous stance to take. I like using parables so please indulge me.

The wolves didn't like the bunnies at all. One day there was a massive earthquake, and the wolves knew of course that the bunnies had caused it because it was well known among the wolves that bunnies thump their feet all of the time and this incessant foot thumping inevitably leads to earthquakes. And so the wolves imprisoned all of the bunnies. The other animals, lions, tigers, bears, etc became angry with the wolves. They asked "why have you imprisoned the bunnies? We enjoyed their playful frolicking and general bunny ways."

The wolves said they had brought it upon themselves because they were different than the wolves and that they did not act as wolves act had caused an earthquake. The lions and tigers and bears and other animals compromised with the wolves eventually, and it was decided the bunnies would live on an island far away where their bunny ways would not so insult the wolves and their wolf ways.

However some bunnies refused to leave. Eventually the wolves became so fed up with the bunnies' ways that they ate all of the bunnies - and for the better for there had not been an earthquake for a long time.

On the day the last bunny was killed though, there was a massive earthquake. The last bunny looked across the water to where his bunny brethren had lived now happily for years and the other bunnies only said you should have come to the island. And the wolves said the bunny had caused the earthquake. Everyone blamed the bunny, that or thought the bunny was silly for staying where bunnies were obviously not welcome. Everyone of course except for the other animals, who say that of course bunnies cannot cause earthquakes with their little furry feet, and who missed watching the bunnies frolic around in their bunny way.

Well, that is a poor rendition of a story I heard long ago. The point though is that, bunnies and whatever particular culture is in fad does not cause earthquakes. If wolves would simply stop being such complete asses, then the bunnies, lions, tigers, bears, and yes wolves, could all deal with earthquakes together instead of blaming one another.

That or the moral is we are not dumb animals but humans with big heavy brains that are perfectly capable of figuring out culture should not rule one's life regardless. I'll let you decipher it how you will.

Side: free your mind
1 point

Foreign media enables youth to get news coverage from all over the world. It also encourages the youth to be more involve in politics.

Side: free your mind
1 point

How is getting information around the world beneficial? How does it lead to more involvement in politics?

Side: free your mind
1 point

It is beneficial as we get to know of the things happening around us. Sometimes this things involves us. For example, news of natural disasters happening to our neighbors. This news coverage will make us aware of the dangers coming and to be prepared should the disaster is heading to us.

Side: free your mind
1 point

We are given an opportunity to stay more current and aware through foreign media.Being the youth of our society,we are its future,so it definitely has a positive impact on society by constantly giving updates about what's around us.

Side: free your mind
1 point

Foreign media has made us more aware of the environmental issues that is plaguing the world. This is eveident through the screening of movies such as "The inconvenient truth". As such by raising more awareness among local youths, they will be concious of their actions which may worsen the situation. They will then be motivated to change certain habits that will slow down the effects of global warming.

Side: free your mind
1 point

so... what? how is this beneficial/detrimental to the youth of your society? Why is knowing about environmental issues important?

Side: free your mind
1 point

Foreign media such as news channels from around the world channelled into our own country allows us to learn about issues going around other countries as well. We are more aware of current affairs, and not only affairs going around our hometown. Thus, we are more knowledgeable of the world around us. For example, we learn about conflicts happening in other parts of the world. Therefore, foreign media has had a positive impact on the youth of my society

Side: free your mind
1 point

ok... again... so what? so what if we know more about the world around us? why is this a 'positive' impact?

Side: free your mind
1 point


Youths are more aware of international issues, get exposure to other people's point of views (eg. stands on abortion, corporal punishment might be diff here as compared to other countries)


Erosion of local culture, influenced by traits that could be considered 'bad'

Side: free your mind
1 point

Foreign media allows the youth of our society to be exposed to different cultures and backgrounds. If exposure to foreign media was limited, then the youth would only be living within boundaries.

Side: free your mind
1 point

The influx of foreign media has inadvertently led to the erosion of cultures where an increasing number of youths feel that tradition is something which is no longer important.

Side: free your mind
Shafiq!(2) Disputed
1 point

However, in Singapore's case, our society, traditional cultures are still being practiced by our youths! :D

Side: foreign media youth
iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point

This sounds like the statement of an old person who is afraid of vague things that do not exist.

I see scared old people all of the time, since the US elected a black president. I find their fears to be unfounded, quite the opposite in fact, Obama happens to be kicking ass.

So please, name specifics. This is a debate site not a soap box.

Side: free your mind
ShafiqHashim(2) Disputed
1 point

Yes it is a debate site, not a soap box. That's why that person answered in Singapore's context? Not some random American context

Side: free your mind
1 point

Foreign media helps us to explore the world through various kinds of scopes!

Side: free your mind
1 point

Foreign media exposes us to different perspectives of the world. Different news channels are offered to us on a variety of platforms, such as through e-newspapers and cable tv. This would ensure a global perspective on certain issues that plague our world today, hence allowing youths to be a lot more aware of the world around them, as well as being able to form their own opinions of these issue due to the multiple perspectives that we are exposed to. For example, CNN and Fox News, two newschannels from the United States with a Democratic and Republican slant, respectively, allows our youths to understand issues in America from different viewpoints. News channels like Al-Jazeera and KBS News also allows youth to develop a more regional viewpoint on global issues. The internet also allows us to scour for newspapers from other countries, such as the Herald Tribune and the Daily Mail in order to increase our awareness and general knowledge of the world. Foreign media hence allows us opportunities to break out of a narrow mindset by presenting other forms of perspectives for our youths stop being ignorant about the world around them and form their own opinions on global issues without biasedness or narrow-mindedness.

Side: free your mind
1 point

Foreign media has a positive impact through the cultural awareness it fosters. Through the ability to watch the news, movies, and entertainment shows from different parts of the world, youths realise that there are many things that they have in common with other youths and also learn to appreciate the things that set them apart from others. Learning about other countries fosters self-identity and ethnic pride as well. This is relevant in Singapore's context because by default, we are a nation that relies on our relations with other countries for survival. Therefore, the influx of other cultures expose us to different practices and traditions. Through this exposure we learn to appreciate and become culturally sensitive. Thus, the impact of the foreign media is positive on the youth of Singapore.

Side: foreign media youth
blackcherry(2) Disputed
1 point

But in the name of integrating into the rest of the world,we are loosing our touch in our own cultures.

Side: foreign media youth
iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point

This is demonstratably false.

For instance, the US is exposed to every culture everyday, more so perhaps even than European nations in that the US spends more of its money than any other culture in things that will directly influence their existence (for better or worse) of cultures around the world, though European nations tend to know more languages and have more direct interaction

Yet within the US and throughout Europe you will find literally every culture on earth. Granted the US has a number of assholes who would like the US to have only one culture, but that is, and has been the minority for decades now. Different cultures not only do just fine together, understanding and excpeting other cultures actually improves the lives of people of every culture.

No one needs to "lose touch with" thier own culture is what I'm saying.

Side: foreign media youth
1 point

Foreign media has a positive impact on Singaporean youths as it makes us more culturally diverse as it exposes us to the lifestyles and traditions of other countries or races. This may then allow us to become more tolerant of other races and people from other countries. For instance, we are able to learn more about Japanese values and culture through Japanese movies. This then allows us better understanding of the lifestyles and values of the Japanese.

- Karen (09a02)

Side: foreign media youth
1 point

I believe that foreign has a positive impact. Foreign media allows youths to be updated on world affairs. With the inclusion of foreign media, youths may be able to widen their scope on international issues such as politics. This will not be possible if youths are only exposed to local forms of media

Side: foreign media youth
1 point

In the US foreign medial has little to no impact on the youth.

Literally the only time it does have an impact is in situations like the massive earthquake in Haidi.

The outcome was good. The US, Europe, and other Western Industrialized nations saved probably thousand of lives, and improved the lives of likely hundreds of thousand of human beings.

My experience in the US has been that exposure to foreign media can only be good. If it is ever perceived as bad, one needs to seriously question the motivation behind the one claiming it to be a bad thing. My guess is they are either evil or stupid.

Side: free your mind