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 Questions about Gods (1)

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Lightmasher(51) pic

Questions about Gods

I dont know if it has been asked yet but here are some questions.

1. Everything has to come from some where?

This argument is that in some religions gods are born/created such as hinduisim and to a lesser extent the birth of Jesus. This means even gods have to be born/ created even if they are a ball of gas in the far reaches of space.what do you think is it possible to create a god if they do exist

2. When something is created it should be able to die or lose consciousness permantly.

This argument is that if a god is born and still has a physical form it can be destroyed/killed. So heres a question (Mind you just hypothetical I'm not going to go God hunting) Say a god (christian,islamic, or even satanic) came to us and tried to bring about the end of the world, that if it has a physical form it can be killed. So if God and others were trying to kill everyone and you had the means to do so you would you kill a god

3. Can Man become a God

So, say if we found out there are gods and that they are just beings who have the ability of manipulating; reality, matter, energy and time by the use of cognetive thought, and we had the means of giving people this abilty would you chose to become a god.

So another question, if we can become gods will "Man become God where God has Failed"

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Say who have a being which is born and it is proven that being is a god if the god has a physical shell it is possible to kill/ destroy the shell and either permantley kill a god or just destroy the thing that is attaching said god to the world