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"Raging Bull" "Rocky"
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 "Rocky" (3)

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"Raging Bull" vs. "Rocky"

In your opinion, which one was the better movie?

"Raging Bull"

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Side Score: 3
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1 point

Unless we are judging the fights in and of themselves, Rocky wins on all other accounts.

Side: "Rocky"
1 point

Raging Bull has its pluses: Deniro turned-in a much better acting performance than did Stallone. Oscar worthy!

Bull was also a much more accurate depiction of the boxing world. A much more graphic movie. A "heavier" and more "intense" movie. Sometimes almost to the point of being disturbingly so.

But at the end of the day Rocky was the far more enjoyable movie. A classic. A supreme "Feel Good" movie. We all love rooting for the underdog. And love to see him conquer his allegedly stronger (and usually unlikable) opponent. Rocky is a decidedly American tale. A Patriotic movie; it even has the whole Philadelphia thing going for it. The very fight was originally designed as a Fourth of July Exhibition by Apollo Creed.

Raging Bull has none of this going for it. I think that maybe only die hard Jake Lamotta fans--or boxing fans--will appreciate Raging Bull more than they would Rocky. Or maybe acting students. Or students of old-school black-and-white Cinematography techniques.

But Rocky is for everybody. Even girls like Rocky! LOL. I don't think I've ever met a woman who said she enjoyed Raging Bull.

I have watched Rocky probably eight times or so in my life. And will almost assuredly watch it again someday. Can't say the same for Raging Bull. I saw it once and that was sufficient. And yes, I AM a boxing fan.

Side: "Rocky"
1 point

Rocky one of my favorite movies. Sly was excellent in it.

Side: "Rocky"