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Science:Blessing or Curse??

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1 point

i think science is a blessing its my fav.subject!................................................................................................

1 point

Depends on how you use science. Like it depends on how you use a gun.

If you're a religious nut then it's a curse. If you are anybody else then it's not bad.

hoegy(308) Disputed
1 point

Im a religous nut and i dont beleive its a curse. It depends on how you use it like a said before how you use a gun. For fighting for good or for evil. So it depends on how you take it in.

1 point

science is a blessing.......thats it......give one reason y its a curse???

1 point

its so000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 a blessing

1 point

How could science be a curse? It's just the quest for knowledge, and it is passed on. That's what people do - look for answers. Some do it by religion, some by science. Some try to do both.

Religion seems to some people as more of a curse, because it's not rational or evidence-based, and it doesn't pass knowledge on. Science seems more of a curse to others because it doesn't seem to allow for a sense of "wonder" or mystery, which we all love; it seeks to explain in terms of actual human experience.

Because humans have consciousness, we really think that we must have a purpose beyond just living. We can't believe that our consciousness could die with us. Otherwise, what is the point of education, learning from experience, appreciating arts and culture, learning from history (not that we do that too well)? But without science, and learning, there is no progress. We might as well have stopped in the Stone Age.

Science adds to the sum of human knowledge. Even if that doesn't help you get to heaven, how is it a curse?

If god doesn't want you to know how the world works, why did he give you consciousness?