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Debate Score:2
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 True (2)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Sex is messy because.... (disclaimer: this is a joe_cavalry debate)


Let's face it, sex is messy.  I mean, there's stuff spewing, oozing, dripping, shooting, squirting, all over the place.  On the bed sheets, on her hair, down your chin, on the carpet and you sometimes have to even clean the mirror above the bed.  And I'm not going to mention the stripper pole in case you are not one of the "lucky" ones that have one.

Sex is messy for a reason.  It is messy in order to remind us that it is because of sex that babies are born.  And a baby being born is a messy proposition.  There's a lot of cleaning going on before, during and after.  I mean, it's really messy.  I'll spare you the details.

Births are also messy for a reason.  It is messy in order to remind us that this is a new life.  And life is really messy.  If you don't think life is messy, you've never read any news..., about anyone..., ever.  Some days I think that the purpose of life is to make you wish you (or those around you) were dead. ;)

Death can be clean but it is usually messy too.  The thing about death is that..., that is the last mess that person is ever going to make.  But there's still plenty to clean up.

So before you grab the "Love Towel...," think about how messy it can get..., real fast...., for everybody.  Then go read a book or something until you fall asleep.  Or better yet..., post something stupid on CD..., just for fun ;)



Side Score: 2

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 0

I don't what else to add. ;)

Side: True
1 point

You are as bad as I am. LOL .

Side: True
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