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I thinks it's okay. they must retain some culture
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 I thinks it's okay. (4)
 they must retain some culture (2)

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H9442199(24) pic

Should Indian children adapt to the western culture to such a great degree?

Now a days, Indian kids as well have become very much like the American kids .Dressing is one thing, (and I have nothing against the attire as that's a physical /external aspect of an individual)but when it comes to dating, physical relationships, live-in relationships , talking back to your teachers & parents, disrespecting them; aren't we deviating from our culture?

Asian countries are known for their idealistic norms and traditions , then why should Indians diverge so much from their values. I'm not at all saying that all indian kids must touch their parent's feet every morning, dress like a typical Indian or do (WE DO NEED  TO EVOLVE AS WELL)any of those extremes. However , I do say that we must keep to ourselves the respect and culture that grows in our country. After all, every country is different, then why ape another one and lose our uniqueness?

I thinks it's okay.

Side Score: 4

they must retain some culture

Side Score: 2
1 point

The more we are all alike, the least likely we'll go to war. The easier it will be to establish a world government to control all of us. It would also reduce stereotypes. It may also make them more selfish and less likely to get married and have kids. Which is a good thing given the poverty and overpopulation. The goal however is to get them to speak English without an accent.

Side: I thinks it's okay.
H9442199(24) Clarified
1 point

I beg to differ here. My point wasn't whether Indian children should want a western revamp and whether we must tag it as right or wrong . The point I want to emphasise on here, is that Indian kids, be it any role model they look up to , shouldn't forget their culture which is all about being humble, respectable and sincere.

Side: I thinks it's okay.
1 point

I understand what you are trying to say. But I don't know that being humble, respectable and sincere has to do with culture. I think those attributes are enforced by the family, not the culture. I think what you are trying to say is that there are many white families in America that do not enforce being humble, respectable and sincere. But there are also many American families that do enforce that. Another problem in trying to communicate is that India is homogeneous whereas America is made up of people from all over the world. I'm not saying that America has no culture, I'm saying that America is a mixture of many cultures and part of that mixture includes families that enforce being humble, respectable and sincere.

I would also like to say that the problem we are discussing probably has more to do with the internet than it has to do with America. For example, when children are exposed to the internet they start wondering "why" they have to be humble, respectable and sincere. If they did not have the internet, they would never ask "why" they would just accept it. The internet puts ideas in their heads. Some people think that they can get those ideas out by hitting the child on the head but I don't think that works well.

Side: I thinks it's okay.

Kids will be kids. They want to dance like Beyonce and they want to wear the latest trend in clothes and they want a cell phone and they want an iPad. Indian children are attracted to the Rap music and they want to fit in with the other kids.

Side: I thinks it's okay.
H9442199(24) Disputed
1 point

I beg to differ here. My point wasn't whether Indian children should want a western revamp and tag it as right or wrong . The point I want to emphasise on here, is that Indian kids, be it any role model they look up to shouldn't forget their culture which is all about being humble, respectable and sincere.

Side: they must retain some culture

I think it is ok.. Some Indians being different to some extent is ok.. i guess

Side: I thinks it's okay.
1 point

i am not an advocate of assimilation and prefer that we retain the respect for the culture and traditions we are born from whilst identifying with the dominant culture of the country we live in.

For example If I were born in America I would have no problem identifying as an American Indian, if I were born in Australia I would be an Australian Aborigine. I would retain aspects of my culture, language and customs as much as possible without conflict with the laws of the dominant culture.

Side: they must retain some culture