
Debate Info

Yes! Why not? Hell no!
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes! Why not? (2)
 Hell no! (2)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Should Kids be Allowed to Have Energy Drinks?


Yes! Why not?

Side Score: 3

Hell no!

Side Score: 2

Well it depends if it's Gatorade it's okay. Red Bull, Monster, and Voltage Mountain Dew, and also coffee no. Don't want them hopping all over the place like daffy duck.

Side: depends
1 point

There isn't a sufficient amount of research to suggest that energy drinks are bad for kids. What we do know is that there are plenty of children who drink a shit load of caffeinated products like soda and shit, and they do just fine. When I worked at a grocery store, I would hear parents talk about how they heard their child's heart beating really fast when he drank a redbull. One parent even talked about how the brat complained about his chest hurting.

Sure, kids have problems ALL THE TIME. To say that energy drinks are directly responsible for a painful chest or beating heart is kind of just paranoia. But who knows, maybe it will be exposed that energy drinks are hazardous towards children's health, but as of now, it's all speculative.

Side: Yes! Why not?
1 point

As ThePyg said, there isn't sufficient research to say that it is safe. And there is enough speculation that it might not be that makes it a bad idea. All caffeine, for that matter. It's not something kids need. They have plenty of energy without it.

Side: Hell no!
1 point

Well, then we agree on something .

Side: Hell no!