
Debate Info

They shouldn't be allowed to. They should be allowed to.
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:22
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 They shouldn't be allowed to. (6)
 They should be allowed to. (3)

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730car(6) pic

Should Parents be allowed to read their kids texts?

I don't believe it is right for parents to read kids text messages. I am almost 16 my self and i have always followed the rules and have never disobied them. My texting cerfew is 10 every night and I have followed that rule. A few days ago I stopped at my texting curfew and decided to go onto facebook to continue to talk to friends, it was the first time i ever have done anything bad. Long story to short, i got caught. My mother was mad and says she wants to read all my messages. I, myself want to be able to txt as late as i want on the weekends and i think the messages are part of my privacy. Not only is she invnading my privacy she's also invading my friends privacy. They tell me secerts and their problems and they tell me that so i don't tell other people, if my mom is going on their and reading them she is learning stuff they don't want others to know. She's not their parents she can't do that! I tell my mom stuff all the time and when i tell her more and more it's like she gets more and more worried (which i get cause it's her job) but when she gets worried she starts judging my friends. Then she starts deciding that all my friends are bad influences and saying i can't hang out with them and i have to focus more on school (i'm a perfect A student)... What should I do about this. Is she doing the right thing? 

They shouldn't be allowed to.

Side Score: 8

They should be allowed to.

Side Score: 5
2 points

They shouldn't because its your privacy and you need to keep the privacy between you and that person. They shouldn't be doing this. If I were you I would delete every message you sent and you recieve after your reply to the text message so that she doesn't go through it.

Side: They shouldn't be allowed to.
2 points

My daughter says no, because children's text messages involve children's things and adults don't understand children things because most of them are super duper old!!!!!

Side: They shouldn't be allowed to.
addltd(5144) Disputed
1 point

Well, daughter of mine, I think I should be able to read your texts. Why, because you live in my house with my rules with a phone I pay for...I am responsible for your safety...that is why!

Side: They should be allowed to.

No offence mate, but your parents sound like uptight pricks. I don't think it is right at all - it's an invasion of privacy. Unfortunately though, there isn't really anything you can do about it. But how would you get caught texting/facebooking after 10? Try and be more discreet ;)

Side: They shouldn't be allowed to.
1 point

I agree that your texts are really private. Try to explain it to your mother as you did it here. There should be confidence between parents and you. She should trust in you, all this time you were almost perfect child, so she knows that you can see difference between good and bad. I understand that your mother really cares about you but I think she must give you more freedom to you so you can get used to your future life when you will make decisions yourself. Prove to your mother that you CAN combine friends and school and your behavior won't change if you spend time with your friends.

Side: They shouldn't be allowed to.
1 point

I agree! Also, legally, yes parents are allowed to read texts, but they ARE NOT LEGALLY ALLOWED to read the texts of the person you are texting, just like they wouldn't look through your friends' mail! Parents do not realize that teens are not automatically hiding their texts because they are sending "bad messages", but more likely because they have conversations with their friends that are private- NOT BAD.

Side: They shouldn't be allowed to.
1 point

i think that it is wrong because you need your privacy and its good because there are alot of things kids are exposed to that isn't good soooooo im on both sides

Side: They shouldn't be allowed to.
3 points

I have to admit, your parents are idiots, BUT, they love you and mean well.

In relation to any parent that wants to poke into their child's privacy, I think they should be allowed to.

Your parents have a right to know what you're doing, especially if you're doing illegal or bad things, like getting hitched with drugs, sexting, having sex, bullying people, etc.

I think you yourself are a good kid, but I want you to remember: Many kids aren't good. They aren't good because they are egotistical, self-centered, and have the rights to exercise their whims.

Parents shouldn't just be allowed to, but should be required to stop their children from doing disgustingly inappropriate things.

Though I don't think you were doing anything disgustingly inappropriate. I'm talking in a general idea for this subject.

Side: They should be allowed to.
1 point

Why is this on the first page of my active filter? Can't find any recent responses.

Ahem. If you buy your own phone, pay your own fees, rent your own shelter, buy your own food, etc. without receiving an allowance, then you should be allowed your privacy.

Side: They should be allowed to.