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Micmacmoc(2259) pic

Should Phones be Allowed in Schools?

Mobile Phone


An issue we are all familiar with - should phones be allowed in schools?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 0
1 point

Phones are devices which embrace modern technology and teach the user about them. Using them in an educational environment can never be a bad thing.

If it disrupts the lesson then the pupil responsible should be dealt with individually and efficiently, however someone may require notification if there is something urgent that they need to know.

If a certain pupil is doing things inappropriate on their phones then that is an issue for the parents to consult, and they therefore have no reason to hold the school responsible.

Many phones nowadays are useful for education purposes. If someone does not know the definition for a word then they can easily research it on their mobile, or if they are experimenting with an unfamiliar topic, then mobiles can again be of assistance.

Side: Yes
1 point

I don't see why not? I think phones should be allowed because just in cases of emergency students can call the police or their parents if something happened.

Side: Yes

But a student should not be texting on one while the teacher is giving the lesson.

Side: Yes
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