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Debate Score:17
Total Votes:23
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 NO! (7)

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sonotforyou(17) pic

Should Planned Parenthood Give Abortion Gift Certificates?


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 8
2 points

I'm almost positive this title was intentionally crafted to mislead it's readers...

Someone mentioned a link, where would that be?

That said, I've never heard of anyone who wanted an abortion, but declined for want of a $25 gift certificate...

Sounds like more self-righteous indignation from people who should be minding their own business.

But that's just me.

Side: yes
0 points

Um... Aren't the gift certificates good for every service PP offers? STD screening? Counseling? They do a lot of good things -- they should get credit for reaching out to help people.

Side: yes
sonotforyou(17) Disputed
0 points

No! The gift certificates are only for ABORTIONS! I use PP as my GYN, I support them and their efforts, (I am Pro-Life) but I think this is outrageous.

Side: No!
haljor(12) Disputed
0 points

Did you even read the article? "Indiana's Planned Parenthood is offering a unique option this winter. $25-$100 gift certificates that can be used for anything at the clinics from contraception to abortions."

Supporting Evidence: ABC News Blog (
Side: yes

This idea is so offensive that the pro-life people should kill these bastards.... wait.... something's not right....

Side: No!
1 point

um... I totally for PP, but this seems somewhat bizarre. I'm not sure who I would give a certificate to who wouldn't see it as some kind of insult.

Side: No!
coppersink(20) Disputed
2 points

However I object to the 'abortion gift cerficate' line (which is bullshit) and so oppose myself.

Side: yes

Isn't the name of the organization PLANNED PARENTHOOD? If it is then how does this work? Do these certificates have the words " I Told You So" on them? Nice gift for one friend from the PTA that goes to PP and joined the ASPCA who also belongs to the local DAR to give to their addle-headed nincompoop friend for Christmas, eh? Maybe we need to re-name the organization or, at the very least, have people gain entry to the building through two different marked, Planned Parenthood and the other, Free Fetus Fix!

Side: No!
1 point

Let me get this straight. One person on here can call this a ridiculous idea and I call it a stupid one, and I get the grief.

Youch, I think someone doesn't like the new person on the block.

And, yeah, I've been on here for less than a day. Does that make my opinions less valid than someone who has been on here longer? Is this a debate forum or a popularity contest?

I still think this is a stupid question. How about I start a debate question - Should hired killers issue gift certificates at Christmas?

Is that an intelligent debate question?

Abortion is murder. Murder is when you take a human life. Are you saying that when a woman is pregnant, that is not a human inside of her. Ohh, maybe it's a cat and then it turns into a human at some point, just before it emerges at birth.

Essentially, what this debate question is asking is if murderers should give out gift certificates. Since hired killers are murderers, it logically follows that they, too, should give out gift certificates at Christmas.

Oh, wait, should we call it Christmas. That's right HOLIDAY gift certificates. Wouldn't want to offend anyone living in a country founded with documents that clearly give credit and credence to the one true God.

Uh-oh, there I go getting all political and dare I! I might be censured, because freedom is speech is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Unless of course, you're displaying "art" of someone peeing on a crucifix...that's freedom of speech. But, I digress and am making this political. Someone slap my hand.

Maybe 51 years ago my mother should have been given a murder gift certificate, oh, excuse me, a PLANNED PARENTHOOD gift certificate. Then, I wouldn't be here to tell everyone how STUPID this debate question really is.

Side: No!
0 points

This is the most ridiculous thing that anyone can think of for the Christmas Holiday! We are celebrating Jesus' Birth, yet Planned Parenthood wants to sell gift certificates to murder Babies for Jesus' Birthday! Merry Christmas!

Side: No!
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
2 points

santa told me to tell you the easterbunny is tired of you eating all of her babies in order to celebrate Jesus rising from the dead...

bonus for telling me what part of that sentence is the least likely to be true...

abortion isn't murder, the fetus is no more conscious at that stage than an easter egg.

Side: yes
0 points

What a stupid debate question.

It's like asking if hired killers should give gift certificates.

I think everyone at a planned parenthood clinic and all people who support abortion should have the opportunity to hold their own 20 week old dead baby in their arms.

Trust me, that's not a "fetus", it's a HUMAN with arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes, ears, eyes, nose...etc.

I think planned parenthood should give out arrest warrants to all doctors performing abortions and all women killing their babies.

Why is it that when the baby is inside the mother, it's "planned parenthood" to kill the baby, but once the head peeks outside the uterus, it's considered murder.

The liberals have no logic to their madnss.

Side: No!
1 point

A stupid debate question? That's a bit cheeky and rude to the author don't you think? You've been on this site all of two hours and some minutes and each of your responses to debates seems very edgy and angry. This is a valid question and should be taken seriously without putting someone down for it!

"The liberals have no logic to their madness." Everything is political with you. Are you that much of a right-wing conservative that nothing else exists outside of your own thoughts? I can't wait to hear what politcal statement you might make on "The Wizard of Oz."

Side: No!