
Debate Info

She should She shouldn't
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 She should (4)
 She shouldn't (5)

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Mariel33(456) pic

Should Rey be a villain in Star Wars Episode VIII?

She should

Side Score: 4

She shouldn't

Side Score: 5
1 point

I think that the villains are also the Jedis, they are like ISIS and the Sith are Assad's government.

Side: She should
BlueMoon(16) Disputed
1 point

That's not really the point. None of the movies set the Jedi up as the villains in the same way that they do the Sith. The question is asking if she should turn to the Dark Side and start working against the Jedi.

Side: She shouldn't
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

No, she is asking if Rey should be a villain, stop rewording the question to suit your needs.

Side: She should
1 point

My thoughts are Finns like luke has some twinkle of the force but needs instruction. Rey is on par with luke at the end of empire. Plot twist because shes using the force through emotion , the way of the dark side. She could be seduced easier. Shed make truly great plot twist. Her character needs more depth then a powerful orphan. Same as finn.not to mention from her flashback she was quite small to be a trained jedi or anything else for that matter. All she knows was picke up on jakku

Side: She should
1 point

As great a plot development as it would be, Rey shouldn't be turned; the power of the end of The Force Awakens is because of her.

To make her a villain would be to insult her character. It was only because of her story that seeing Luke Skywalker at the end of TFA had impact.

Side: She shouldn't
1 point

I think that she shouldn't be a villain. However, I think an interesting plot twist would be if she's revealed to have been part of Ren's group and worked to wipe out the new Jedi order until she was stopped and had her memory erased. I think that would add a lot of depth and conflict to Rey's character. But I don't think she should become a villain.

Side: She shouldn't
1 point

That's a good idea. The motivation behind the question is Kylo Ren; now that he's had his status reduced, because of the fight with Rey, moving forward it appears that Snoke is all that needs to be feared.

Making Rey a villain could be good. With the right execution, Rey as a villain would no doubt hurt the story of The Force Awakens, but could nevertheless insert so much energy into the franchise.

Deep down, I think what I would like to see is an absence of Rey and Luke until Episode IX, and then when they return let each of them be good.

Side: She shouldn't