
Debate Info

Yes, they should No, they shouldn't
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Yes, they should (1)

Debate Creator

Micmacmoc(2260) pic

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Should Teacher Training Days be in School Holidays?

Much time is lost and many people are handicapped in their education because of how teachers manage to put their training days on the days when pupils should be learning and improving their chances of a good life.


So Should Teachers have Training Days in the School Holidays?

Yes, they should

Side Score: 1
Winning Side!

No, they shouldn't

Side Score: 0
1 point

Yes, they should be doing it on weekends or in the school holidays. It's not a big deal - there are usually only a few such days a year - but it still robs the consumers (the students) of something they're entitled to get.

Side: Yes, they should
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