
Debate Info

ya Hell to the no
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 ya (1)
 Hell to the no (2)

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venom2tater(320) pic

Should Your parents's spouse or boyfriend/ girlfriend be able to tell you what to do?


Side Score: 1

Hell to the no

Side Score: 3

Only if the parent gives permission for that person to give orders to the child.

Side: ya
2 points

I don't think they should be able to tell you what to do because they AREN'T you're parents. They didn't give birth to you they shouldn't be able to boss you around. We aren't their fucking kids.

Side: Hell to the no
1 point

When I was a kid, I didn't even let my parents boss me around. To their credit, they rarely attempted to do so anyway. Our household ran on a largely democratic principle.

Side: Hell to the no