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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 YES (1)
 NO (4)

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shivandham(33) pic

Should child labour be aloud?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 6
2 points

It should be allowed for one reason. Today is the time when there are many poor families and they work in order to have enough food, clothes etc. So why should their children sit at home and do nothing? I'm not saying that children should work hard and be exploited harshly. They can at least do an easy job and help parents to afford more things to buy.

Side: YES
3 points

Children should be concerned only about going to school, doing sport activities and widening their horizons. However, we can be witnesses of child labour taking place in every country. There are some facts proving that the number of working children is becoming more and more. I found some statistics from, where they said, "about 16 percent of 5-14 years old children are engaged in child labor in developing countries. In the least developed ones, 30 percent of all teenagers are involved in child labor. Worldwide, 126 million children work in hazardous conditions, often enduring beatings, humiliation and sexual violence by their employers...". It's a pity, that there are so many violent people, who force and exploit children on their own purposes. Fortunately, IPEC, UNICEF and other organizations fight against child labor and try to help people.

Side: NO
1 point

Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful.

Side: NO
1 point

Considering you don't make a difference between "allowed" and "aloud" then definitely NO.

Side: NO

Children should not have the right to work because they are too young and can hurt themselves.

Side: NO