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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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SovietSpy(709) pic

Should churches give women contraceptives who work there


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 5
1 point

1. It's not giving contraceptives, it's including contraceptives as part of their insurance. Their insurance is part of their pay. It's not the church handing out condoms, it is the insurance providing the service they are being payed to provide.

2. It's not churches. It's businesses that employ people. If a church does not want to be a business then they should not collect money.

3. The question should be why the fuck aren't churches paying taxes? I mean, they are all up in politics and everyones business whether everyone worships their god or not.

I'll tell you what churches, pay taxes and pay your workers enough to buy their own insurance, instead of investing millions in making sure scary gays don't get scary married, and you can write off the cost of contraceptives in your monthly insurance bill.

Holy shit the religious can be self-centered asses.

Side: Yes

While churches can not stop it's members from gettin controceptives, it does not need to provide them itself. Forcing them to do so would be a violation to religious rights.

Side: No
2 points

Please specify, which right exactly would be infringed upon?

Side: Yes
3 points

First Admendment rights that garentee freedom of relgious expression. If a relgious foundation finds a treatment or procedure incompadable with their set of beliefs, they have the right to refuse those treatments at their foundations.

There needs to be a seperation of church and state. Goverments should not force church groups to violate their own beliefs while relgious groups need to recognize that they can not force everyone to follow their religious code through politics.

Side: No