
Debate Info

Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 YES (2)
 NO (7)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Should dihydrogen monoxide be banned?

Check out the facts at



Side Score: 2


Side Score: 8

Yes, dhmo is a menace, and worst of all, it is killing our children, save the children. ;)

Side: YES
1 point

Wait, could you think of an alternative for>>>> Water ?

Side: YES
2 points

I am no advocate of banning anything, it was merely a quip for the scientific illiterate, but that didn't work on this site, maybe facebook.

Side: NO
1 point

The person who wrote this is very very bad and should be punished. Think about it, Di Hydrogen,so 2 hydrogen, and monoxide, one oxygen. It is water

Side: NO
1 point

Of course, it is water, it is more comical relief knowing that people don't know the scientific name for water.

Side: NO
1 point

No. I like water, water is good. Di-hydrogen monoxide is only the "scientific name" of water. This kind of question was, actually, part of a psychosocial experiment. 50 were asked if it should be banned. 47 said yes, 2 didn't know what to answer, and just 1 person knew it was water.

Side: NO
1 point

Dihydrogen monoxide isn't even the scientific name for water. Scientists say hydrogen oxide, hydric acid, hydroxic acid, hydroxyl acid, and hydroxylic acid. Even though dihydrogen monoxide is technically correct, it isn't used by scientists.

Side: NO
1 point

Dihydrogen Monoxide: H2O: Water.

Should we ban a substance that causes you to die after 4 days of not drinking it? No.

Side: NO