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Debate Score:28
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MilkChoco(10) pic

Should elementary school students be allowed to ride on the front seat of a car?


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 12

Why can't they? As long as they follow the car rules, there should not be any prohibition.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, they should. I am not sure a good reason why not, unless someone feels there is an issue with the airbags. In most late model vehicles, airbags turn on and off based on a weight sensor in the seat. Therefore, this should no longer be a problem.

Side: Yes

If they meet the height a weight requirement I don't see why not.

Side: Yes

Shit! When I was kid, we rode in the front seat. Most of the cars didn't even have seatbelts in them. Mom was pretty quick to hold her arm out if she had to stop real fast.

Side: Yes
giverupper(247) Clarified
1 point

If you crashed into something, your mom would never have a chance to hold you in your seat.

You become really heavy when you are moving, the faster you move, the more you weigh. So if you fly out through a window of a car when it crashes, you probably will weigh over 200 pounds - even if you are a little kid.

So your mother would never have been able to hold you back, at the weight of over 200 pounds.

Side: Yes
jonathangoh(1724) Clarified
1 point

I guess she was also jerking forward, so would she be about 1000 pounds to stop him.

Side: Yes
1 point

Let them have their freedom or else they will disturb you , even when you are sleeping.Anyway who cares?Hust let them be

Side: Yes
1 point

Who should care ?

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Side: Yes

As long as they wear a seat belt, I see no reason why the can't.

Side: Yes
1 point

It isn't about what age you are - it is about how high you are.

In the frontseat of a car, there is an airbag. If you crash, the airbag reacts and .. you know what airbags do.

The airbag can prevent damages that could happen. But let's take a little 9 year old girl. If the airbag goes on, she can choke in the airbag, since she isn't high enough. Her head will not be higher than the airbag, so she will probably choke. This can result death or serious damages.

Some say, that you have to be at least 140 cm tall to sit in the frontseat, and some say taller.

I think they could sit in front, if you turn the airbag of.

Side: No
1 point

How do you know they will choke on airbags. the old cars usually don't have them. And how do you turn off airbags

Side: Yes
giverupper(247) Disputed
1 point

Because it has been tested.

There is a reason why children aren't alllowed to sit in front, you don't think rules like that are there just annoy us do you?

The old cars don't have airbag, are probably unsafe on several other areas. But like I said in my argument, if there is none, or if it's turned of - the child has no reason to not sit in the front.

Although when I have children in my car, I want them to sit in the back, because it is a lot more safer to sit there. I know that there are exceptions.

And how do you turn off airbags

I actually don't know. I've never done it myself, and to be honest I don't really know if you actually can do it.

Side: No
1 point

I don't think they should be allowed to ride in the front of a car because if you can get into a car accident you could probably kill the kid because of the impact of the car accident plus the airbag.

When I was little I didn't sit there until I was 12.

Side: No
1 point

From my point of view, they should not! For security of children`s life sitting in front of car for elementary school student it must be banned. It is very dangerous. Yes, there is an airbag, but you never know what will happen. What if airbag will not work. Even airbag work, it can damage children. And as you know in carcrash people who sit in front is almost have worse injure

Side: No