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Srom(12206) pic

Should employers be allowed to ask for social media passwords?


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Side Score: 4
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No, it's an invasion of your privacy and the privacy of all your friends and family that post on that social media website. It's also foolish for employers to do it because it opens them up to discrimination lawsuits because many social media websites have things on them that employers are not allowed to ask, such as marital status, religion, political affiliation, etc.

Side: No
1 point

No. People have the right to privacy. What I do off work time is none of my employer's business unless it hurts the company.

Side: No
1 point

Personally I don't see how it's the employer's business what I put on my social media page. Fuck them.

Side: No
1 point

No Way, that is just rude and well... no sorry i know i am sounding real harsh on you but I'm not just never, EVER ask for social media passwords unless.. well there is no unless. Sorry if you are upset by this please do not sue me lol jokes, but no.

Side: No