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Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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kirstie1126(480) pic

Should it be listed who voted a debate up and down?

This is some thing that we talked about during the Townhall meeting this past week. Please, share you thoughts here and then the Developers can take note of our ideas!


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Side Score: 2
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It really doesn't matter. An up vote makes a person feel good. A down vote makes them feel bad. The person that gets down voted will either want revenge, try to explain his position to the person that down voted him or not care at all. This feeling to want to explain is normal as people want to be understood. The problem is that I don't know of any argument that has ever changed anyone's mind. And revenge will only beget revenge. It's better not to care at all.

Side: No
1 point

Having people know who voted them up and down would only upset that person and set them out for revenge. It wouldn't help it would be a contest to see who could kill the other persons efficiency!

Side: No