
Debate Info

Their choice, their loss. May have got it anyway.
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Their choice, their loss. (1)
 May have got it anyway. (1)

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Should non-vaxxers get full sick pay if they fall ill with covid-19?

As a consequence of selfishness, unfounded notions, sloth-like attitudes and/or diminished responsibility non-vaxxers who fall ill with with covid-19 should lose entitlement to their employer's sickness scheme.
If some people feel it is too much to ask to protect others and themselves by availing of the free anti-covid-19  vaccine and subsequently contract the disease they should automatically be disqualified from the full amount of their  employer's sickness allowance scheme. 

Their choice, their loss.

Side Score: 1

May have got it anyway.

Side Score: 1
1 point

Is it too much to ask that people accept the sound medical advice of the vast majority of the world's medical scientists and specialist virologists and accept the anti-covid-19 vaccination?

By opting out of the most effective anti-covid-19 measure they're not only risking their own health but are likely to become super-spreaders and infect everyone with whom they come into contact.

Such inconsiderate, heedless people should be made pay a price for their uncaring selfishness.

Side: Their choice, their loss.
1 point

How the non-vaxxers delight in bellowing their puffed up, self-centred slogan of;- ''my body, my choice''.

Well everyone else has the right to decide with whom they work and come into contact in enclosed spaces.

Okay, non-vaxxers, your body, your choice.

That's fine, but no vaccine, no admittance to public venues, including work places and no occupational or state benefits should you succumb to the deadly coronavirus.


Side: May have got it anyway.