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co-education other schools
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 co-education (1)

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Asma-Ebrahim(21) pic

Should parents send their children to co-education schools?


Many people agree on that, parents should send their children to co-education schools, because living in an environment contain different genders can absolutely affect their mentality, how? Students will be able to deal with both girls and boys, without feeling shy, for example, they will know quickly how this man think because they used to deal with many people in school. Statistics showed that students who graduate from co-education schools are the most successful people in all aspects of life.



Side Score: 1

other schools

Side Score: 0
1 point

Yes, it's important for a girl nowadays to learn how to respect herself and maintain humble from her surroundings.

Side: co-education
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