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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Should sale/rental of M-rating games to under 17-year-olds be legal?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 0

Again, this is government interference in the market. Gaming companies should not have to take abuse from producing violent games.

Some Parents are unwilling to accept the responsibility of deciding what games are appropriate for their children to play. So, since the game industry has the right to make violent games, the parents who feel passionate about this issue want restrictions on what games can be sold, so in order to pursue this, they resort and complain to the government that standards are need through ratings.

Ratings system are totally unneeded as long as parents actually make decisions. The game industry will continue to make what they wish because if they know there is a demand for violent games, then they are going to meet that demand with sufficient supply.

Ratings systems are not needed in the music, gaming and movie industries. Ratings systems just make decision-making easy for parents.

Side: yes
1 point

I support your stance. My only question is how are the parents supposed to "accept the responsibility of deciding what games are appropriate for their children to play."? How will they know the game content without buying and playing it?

Side: yes

Yes, the responsibility could be doing research on the game or music that being reviews or simply watching it before the children do. They can go online at home or simply go to the library and their use computers. Ask friends or family if they have seen it. It really doesn't take to much time. If some parents are willing to run around the town to take them to soccer practice or football practice or whatever, then they should have the time to do this.

Side: yes
1 point

I agree.

I think it's just another way of the government trying to control the people, like they always do.

When I was a teen I looked 18+ so I could easily buy a game at gaming stores. So it's not really effective.

Side: yes

They need to ask for identification.


Side: yes
1 point

Actually, it is currently not illegal to sell M-Rated games to minors. This is due to free speech laws.

The thing is, most retailers require that you be 17 or 18 anyways. It is their right, as a private industry, to sell to whoever they please for whatever reason.

Side: yes
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