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Debate Score:22
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CharlieBrown(14) pic

Should the British crack down on weapon laws?

The British have not cracked down on weapon laws, or found the root of the issue. Personally as a British citizen, I sometimes feel unsafe walking the streets, alleyways and parks of my hometime. I reckon I will be lucky to live to 18.


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 10

I think it is wise for Great Britain to do something to stop the carrying of weapons.

Side: Yes
0 points

If they don't crackdown on weapon laws, I predict 75% of teenagers will be walking the streets with weapons of self-defence or just for attacking (mugging, killing ect).

Side: Yes
CriticalCat(13) Disputed
0 points

Based on what evidence?

Also, you say it like its a bad thing. As if, its even possible for 75% of society to become criminal. Which isnt scientifically provable.

Side: No
1 point

I don't live in the UK, but if my research is right in the UK you can only own a shotgun with a permit and the gun must be stored in a safe with ammunition placed seperate from the gun. Therefore, what are you going to be afraid of? Oh, thats right. The criminals. If everyone was armed (like Switzerland) you crime would have decreased instead of increased and then whenever a nutjob walks in and starts to cause "trouble", you all can deal with it yourselves. Cops will show up, but they will take a picture of your body too.

Side: No
1 point

Possession of a gun (although anything can be deemed a weapon) carries with it very high prison sentence in UK. Recent "Drive-by" shootings offenders have each received, on average, 32 years in prison.

say what you want to happen ? what and how would you "crack down" ?

Do you think a law makes things disappear by magic ? Speeding is against the law - this law has not stopped speeding. Bankers fiddling trillions of pounds is against the law - has the law stopped these criminal scum ??

Side: No
0 points

Crack down on weapon laws? Why would we do that?

Does that mean that we should be more closely monitoring the weapons that people are carrying and say that they are not allowed to use them? If it does then of course we don't have to do that, it would mean that we are not learning from countries around the world - and learning from the mistakes and good things others do is part of being human and not doing so would be completely stupid.

America has legalised guns and they have a much larger problem than we do with weapons. As a consequence of this America has the most reported gun crime in the world. We have not legalised guns and we have other laws meaning that it isn't easy to carry a weapon and not be arrested. That's how effective and legendary the system is here.

I think this might be a troll debate, and we don't have to change anything about our laws.

Side: No
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
3 points

America has legalised guns and they have a much larger problem than we do with weapons.

Guns have always been legal in the United States. The only difference is that more gun control and bans have been passed over the centuries. However, the most recent removal of gun restrictions have been recent with the Supreme Court case finding the DC gun ban Unconstitutional and the Federal ban on Assault rifles that expired during the Bush administration.

We have not legalised guns and we have other laws meaning that it isn't easy to carry a weapon and not be arrested. That's how effective and legendary the system is here.

The laws have correlated with more homicides so I hardly see it to be "effective and legendary." Second graph is of England and Wales along with an explanation.

The most important quote from the link: Not counting the above-listed anomalies, the British homicide rate has averaged 52% higher since the outset of the 1968 gun control law and 15% higher since the outset of the 1997 handgun ban.

Side: Yes
BenWalters(1508) Disputed
2 points

The laws have correlated with more homicides so I hardly see it to be "effective and legendary." Second graph is of England and Wales along with an explanation.

Only in a slight way. And really, this isn't surprising in the short term - in the short term gun bans will only remove guns from those who follow the rules, it is only the long term that it is made more difficult for criminals to get weapons, as the supply dries up.

The most important quote from the link: Not counting the above-listed anomalies, the British homicide rate has averaged 52% higher since the outset of the 1968 gun control law and 15% higher since the outset of the 1997 handgun ban.

Homicide rates increase with urbanization & sudden inflows of ethnic minorities. These have both increased since 1968 & 1997. Also, with the cost of guns decreasing significantly in the same time, I hardly find this surprising.

Side: No
BenWalters(1508) Disputed
2 points

We have not legalised guns and we have other laws meaning that it isn't easy to carry a weapon and not be arrested.

Just to confirm, guns are legal in England - especially hunting rifles in the country. It's obviously a lot stricter, but it is legal.

Side: Yes
CharlieBrown(14) Disputed
0 points

So are you saying that we should keep weapons to learn about different cultures? Also as a fact every 7 seconds someone in London gets stabbed, so we do have to monitor closer in public places, airports and train stations.

Side: Yes
Micmacmoc(2259) Disputed
1 point

"So are you saying that we should keep weapons to learn about different cultures?"

Where did I say that?

Usually when someone is making a serious point they will back up their information with proof (in this case, quote what I said). You have not done so and I therefore do not understand why you have reached this conclusion.

I do not think that this was actually intended to be a serious debate, we don't have to change our laws at all - that's a problem for countries where knuckle-dusters are legal. Therefore I suppose that you are a troll.

"As a fact every 7 seconds someone in London gets stabbed"

That isn't true at all.

Just look at the link below to see that stabbings in London are far more infrequent than that. Your number of someone being stabbed every seven seconds is miles out.

If every seven seconds someone in London was stabbed then I could pay a quick visit to London and see loads of people with knives stuck into them, and that isn't something that I, or anyone I know, has ever seen. Americans, from the contact I have had with them, appear to be under the understanding that London is a bloodthirsty place full of corruption - that's completely wrong.

Your figure is miles out, it is true some people in London are stabbed but other cities have far larger problems with crime.

Supporting Evidence: 100 Stabbings in London per YEAR (
Side: No
CriticalCat(13) Disputed
1 point


You heard me. You pull up the statistic for this "fact".

There are 31,536,000 seconds in a year. Devide that by 7 you get 4,505,142.

As of 2011 there was allegedly 8,174,000 in London AND its Boroughs.

Your saying that just over half the population of London is stabbed every year.

Whoever told you that was a damned Lier and took you for a fool.

Side: No