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Debate Score:3
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Apollo(1608) pic

Should the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline be built?

Should the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline be built? It is a 1700 mile pipeline from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf Coast.

Republicans have criticized President Obama's refusal to allow its contruction (like to pander his environmentalist base). In fact, republicans see to enjoy stonewalling legislation by adding the deal inot irrelevant bills (to pander to their delusional following).

Who is right? Should it be built? 




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1 point

Hell no!

1. It DECREASES our energy independence. One would think that this oil, if it is coming to the US, would be used by the US. Well, one would be wrong. It will be shipped to Latin America, China, and Europe.


2. Gas prices may even GO UP because of this deal. Not to mention the fact that the cost of doing business for farmers would go up significantly.


3. The potential environmental ramifications are huge.



Now given all this, it sure as hell better create a ton of jobs for republicans to be for it. How many does it create (republicans initially claimed 100,000)? 3500 temporary jobs...

Another minus, republicans are in favor of it, so it is probably detrimental to our country.

Side: No
1 point

It's a no-brainer that solar power is the energy of the future. The Alberta tar sands is an environmental disaster no matter what the oil companies propagandize about. I'm confident that if we North Americans stick to our position on this and push for more research into solar energy we will be miles/kilometers ahead of all the other nations.

Side: No