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Should the rainforest be saved? Honors

Read the following articles Welcome to the Rainforest and Tropical Rainforest--Reasons for their Destruction.  Your task is take the information gathered and decide if you think the economic and social gain of destroying the rainforests outweigh preservation.  Use proper grammar and spelling in your arguement. It needs to be at least 2 paragraphs and you must support you opinion with information from the texts.

Respond appropriately to a minimum of two other arguments as well.  You may also vote up and/or down other student's arguments. If you do you need to say why it is not a good argument.


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 3
2 points

The rainforest should be saved because alot of animals live there and if they don't save the rainforest then some of the animals will be extinct. I also think that there could be some herbs or plants that could provide people with ingreditents for medicine.

Side: yes
1 point

I beleive the rainforest should be safed beacause not only does it provide us many things, it also creates a habitat for many of our animals :D besides that if we do have enough courage to cut one single tree [that provides oxygen] why not plant another one afterwards?? right? so for all those mean people that try to destroy the rainforests think twice, and act once...

thank you ..

Side: yes
junior55(2) Disputed
1 point

I totally agree but i think that you should use more important facts.

Side: No
jacmartinon(5) Disputed
1 point

i agree.. but you should actually put your mind into your thoughts... your heart you know? I <3 you buddy :D

Side: No
1 point

I agree with you and I think that you are correct about why now plant a tree if you are going to cut one down. And I also agree with your statement about thinking twice and acting once.

Side: yes
1 point

Rain forests should be saved because if they are destroyed then many animals and wildlife will die. The wildlife will have no home and will be forced to find another but they might die shortly after leaving because they have already adapted to the rain forest they lived in.

Side: yes
1 point

Thats a very good point. But i wonder if we could just relocate all the important plants and animals. (Its only a thought.)

Side: yes
1 point

first the rainforsest is first place were we got life, medicine, and food. The rianforset is the home of many diffent species the were the whole basic evolution took place. It is also the home of the world natual equalibrial balencer ,by that i mean that it is were all the chemicals in th world are equalized by the oxegen and gases the forest makes. It is also the woulds lungs. The place were all living things get there oxygen from.

Another reason that the rainforest should live is because it is the home to many animals. Not only are the just regular animals but they all play an important role in our survival. These animals are vey exotic. There all diffrent types of birds, mamals, insects, ect. Theses animals are also in the danger of extinction because of all the urbanizing the world has forced apon it. I think that every animal deserves to have a chance to live.

Side: yes
1 point

i think the rainforest should not be cut down. the rainforest gives us oxygen and many has many species that about be exticent and most of the animals are if the rainforest is cut down then probably we would suffer a lot more then we think.

even though cutting the forset would be economically better for some people.we would have less oxygen. ''Experts also estimate that we are losing 130 species of plants, animals and insects every single day as they become extinct from the loss of rainforest land and habitats.'' i think it wrong how people want to cut the rainforest when its one of our greatest reasoures.

Side: yes
1 point

I agree with you because I think that animals should not suffer because of intended human actions. I think that the government, or even the people, should conduct a research project to find out how we could save the rainforest and its occupants.

Side: yes
1 point

The rainforest should be save becuase even if they help us with new discoveries of medicinal drugs right now, then what if the rainforest are gone. Then what would happen in theres no rainforest.

Some of the experts say that after 40 years the rainfores will be gone an that right now theres acres of rainforest being destroyed.Destroying the rainforest will just cause us the new discoveries of new things

Side: yes
1 point

I don't think the rainforest should be destroyed. The rainforest gives us oxygen, many different species of animals, and plants that can be used for medicine. So if the rainforest is demolished then we would lose all the beauty, mystery, and wonder it has to offer.

Although cutting the rainforest down might have some benefits economically, we would end up losing more than we gain. ''Experts estimate that we are losing 130 species of plants, animals and insects every single day as they become extinct from the loss of rainforest land and habitats.'' We would lose this and so much more, and for what? Some more land to build more power plants, witch will end up riping a hole in the O-zone killing all life on earth. So yeah, we could cut down the rainforest....if we all want to DIE!!!

Side: yes
1 point

I believe that the rainforest should be saved because it is the primary source of our oxygen and medicine. Without these two things the planet will have even more global warming because all of the carbon dioxide in the air and less oxygen. If companies cut down all or most of the trees than they will be killing and creating extinction to fifty percent of the worlds animal and plant population. To cut down the trees companies will only be able to make money off the rainforest for a short amount of time, and in the end everything will be gone.

Also the rainforest is home to tribes and natives, so if they cut it down the trees then they would be forced to move somewhere else like a city even though they are completely unaware of how things work there. The medicine found in the rainforest will also be destroyed, and as a result doctors and scientists will not be able to find cures or much needed medicine. The rainforest should be saved.

Side: yes
1 point

I think that the rainforest should be saved because:

1. It supports the production of much of the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere that is a vital need for humans to live.

2. It is home to many known and unknow plants and creatures that are part of the ecosystem and they help keep the balance that is needed to keep the rainforest "running".

3. It may contain many unknow medications to diseases that are currently uncureable and with a little research, they may be found.

If we cut down the rainforest then it will not be sustainable for future generations and for problems that might come ahead of us.

Side: yes

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Side: Yes

If I were a native living in the rain forest, and I needed to feed my family, I would burn down part of the forest in order to plant my crops. If the industrialized nations of the world were to object, I would point out that if they had not burned down their forest in order to build their big industrial cities, I would be able to burn down a small piece of my forest without any environmental impact.

If they still complained I would tell them to either provide food for my family or shut down one of their big, polluting, industrial cities (so that I could burn down part of my forest in order to feed my family) or send their war helicopters to wipe us off the face of the Earth in front of the TV cameras.

Side: No
1 point

While Teddy Roosevelt's environmental dreams are nice and all, we do have to think realistically.

I don't believe that the rain forest should be burned down for petty, greedy things, but creating land for human necessities is a good thing. That's exactly why humans were given the power to do such things. I guess there are reasons to miss the rain forest, but in total it's a depressing place filled with disease and death. As humans we have to think about what benefits humans, and one of those things is sometimes burning down parts of the rain forest.

Side: No