
Debate Info

YA NO it wasn't a big deal
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 YA (1)
 NO it wasn't a big deal (3)

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souloflight(404) pic

Should this have been made such a big deal

i know this is old news but i just found it randomly for some reason and wanted your input.


Side Score: 2

NO it wasn't a big deal

Side Score: 3

Yes I think it is wrong it is like He is doing that a girl that way too young in real life.

Side: YA
1 point

first all he did was dry hump her on stage he did not molest her sexually-

second the parents should have been there and gotten up on stage and punched the guy's light's out-

the parents are to blame and they should be prosecuted for child neglect

Side: NO it wasn't a big deal
1 point

Looks like a pretty willing "victim" to me, and absolutely nothing like a 14 year old. If he knew she was 14 it's fucked up, if not, no big deal. It's up to her parents whether that's acceptable behavior on her part, not the general public and definitely not me.

Side: NO it wasn't a big deal
1 point

She chose to be at that kind of concert, the parents let her go to that kind of concert, and what she's wearing seems inappropriate for a fourteen year old anyway.

Not a big deal, her parents let her go, she chose to wear something that makes her look well older than fourteen, and if she can listen to that kind of music, she can deal.

Edit: Her parents didn't know she was going, but it's still her fault for going. And her parents should have had better tabs on where she was.

Side: NO it wasn't a big deal