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Should we allow people to kill crocodiles, dingoes and snakes?

I'm doing a debate at school about this topic so please help me!LaughingThanks!


Side Score: 3
Winning Side!


Side Score: 2

It really depends on what they taste like. I mean, if we are going to use them for food, yeah. Otherwise, Nah. BTW, do you have any good recipes for any of the animals mentioned ;)

Side: yes
1 point

crocodiles and snakes have been killing and eating our early ancestors long before humans ever evolved. So the way I see it, they started this mess, and were going to finish it. Kill them all.

Side: yes
0 points

a) I, being here in America, don't really care about dingoes. So, kill them if you want to; they mean little to me.

b) Snakes and crocodiles, on the other hand, provide us with skin that can be made into leather. Because of this, they too should be killed.

Side: yes
1 point

For starters, why take the life of any other living creature?

As for killing any of the mentioned, what would be the purpose?

Dingoes are and have been poached by order of the Queensland government because they are becoming too use to human contact due to illegal feeding and a an influx in tourism.A few years back , one mauled a small boy camping on Fraser Island to death. Now this is not the dingoes fault, it is humans encroaching on the dingoes natural habitat, it is tourism being greedy and building big resorts on the only place in the world where pure dingoes live(Fraser Island), all the rest of the dingo population is only 20% real dingo, they have been mixed with domestic dogs.They are not aggressive unless threatened or very hungry. They are going hungry because they have less and less natural food supply and habitat. Snakes are also not aggressive unless you step on them, go into their habitat during mating season, they pretty much leave us alone. As for skin, why don't we dry your skin out and make a bag or two out of it.crocodiles are a protected species in Australia, so go ahead and kill them and you will not only be breaking the law, you are damaging an important part of the biodiversity in Australia. An if your not Australian or don't know anything about these wonderful creatures, then best you don't try and argue on line.

Side: No

...Really, this doesn't make sense to me. Why are we killing crocodiles, dingoes, and snakes? If there's a reason, I'm sure I can refute it, but without a reason, this just seems far too bizarre....

Side: No