
Debate Info

Yup. Nope.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Yup. (1)
 Nope. (5)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Should we care what society thinks?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 7

Society has rules based on what they have learned after many years ;)

Side: Yup.

It's really hard to please people ;)

Side: Nope.

I sure as hell don't and never will.

Side: Nope.
1 point

That little picture is very funny. Society is the cause of many problems, and in todays world society is kind of crippled. So I would say no based on this.

Side: Nope.

Society is always wrong, even when they're right, by the rule that they are always wrong they are made wrong.

FUnny picture too.

Side: Nope.
1 point

I don't. I play by the rules because I have no alternative at the moment. But when I'm old enough, I want to break free and run far, far away..

Side: Nope.