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Yes because... No because...
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:15
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 Yes because... (8)
 No because... (5)

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Vermink(1942) pic

Should we have to pay to live? (Please read description)

What I mean is should we have to pay rent or mortgage? Pay for food, water, has, insulation and heat? If so why? If bit why? Do you think that we should only pay for some and not all?

Yes because...

Side Score: 8

No because...

Side Score: 6
1 point

How else will we fund the companies that produce the food, bottled water or formes of shelter?

Side: Yes because...

Well I'm not gonna build a bunch of houses and package and ship food for free. I need motivation and rewards for that, which comes in the form of money.

Side: Yes because...
1 point

Well yes. Companies who provide food, electricity, gas, insulation, etc., they need a reason to give us these things in the first place. People who can't or don't know how to get these things on their own need others who are more experienced and skilled to provide it for them. But the people who go through all that work don't want to just give it away. They need something of equal value repayed to them. And that object of equal value is money. On a side not, wouldn't it be funny if something of equal value was something like love or hugs or something? Haha

Side: Yes because...
1 point

If you want something you have to pay for it. I don't know what else you'd expect.

Side: Yes because...
2 points

Well, I don't think we should have money at all. Drastically change the way we lives in many, many ways. But most people are scared by these concepts and shy away, but frankly I think Money, Greed and Bad Communication between people are the three main causes of misery in this world.

Side: No because...
Vermink(1942) Disputed
1 point

Yeah but what would the world be like without money? With nothing to motivate people there would be no trade.

Side: Yes because...
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
1 point

I'm not sure, but I think people have been around longer than money has :) I won't go on boring you with why money ;leads to greed e.t.c. I am saying that because you are so used to money you can't possibly imagine a world with out it! You think everything will lead to chaos, people will steal things, people will be murdered on false accusations e.t.c. But people all over the world survive now with out money, and they don't need to face the problems of the modern world.

Side: No because...
GiotheGreen(4) Disputed
1 point

how else are people suppose to feel compensated for all the commodities they give? People need something in order to want to give necessities to other people. that something is money. If people weren't so greedy with it, i agree the world would be less miserable. But sadly that's not the case.

Side: Yes because...
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
1 point

I doubt anything will result from my arguments, I am just showing that there are people in the world that think differently :) Just expressing what I think.

What people fail to realise, is that without money, the world would change, so all the problems you think would occur, simply would not.

For a start, many of the big corporations would go bust, all the banks would go, government would change drastically e.t.c. So there would be no more taxes, no mortgages, no shops, sure there would be markets, but for trading, with items not money, there wouldn't be weekly useless Apples and Windows products coming out, I doubt electricity would go though. All this and much, much more. Everything you find normal now would go. Hard to imagine for some, I know, but without money, almost all problems this world faces will go. Some will remain, and newer ones will pop up, but I believe it would be better. Some narrow minded idiots will argue back saying " But with no money, how are we meant to buy things, all the companies will go bust, nah nah nah." But again, they;re not seeing the big picture.

Side: No because...
1 point

It's an inherent right to all humanity to have their basic needs for survival fulfilled.

Side: No because...
GiotheGreen(4) Disputed
1 point

But some don't know how to fulfill their basic needs on their own. So the people who do decided to do it for them. But humans are greedy. We are insatiable and we are often selfish. We want things in return for what we give. And often that thing is money.(I'm not cynical, there are many good sides to humanity as well, its just these are the characteristics that cause us to have a lust for money/compensation/payment)

Side: Yes because...
1 point


Side: Yes because...
1 point

I am all for paying for things through a fair exchange. The problem is the way things are set up. The average member of the proletariat cannot support himself because he has no access to the means of production. If we used labor credits, things would be more equal.

Side: No because...