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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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Should weed be legalised in BC


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 1
1 point

hey i think it should be because weed is better then alchohol is alchohol brings out mood swings and shit and weed makes u calm and chilled out and it helps u focus

Side: yes
3 points


I'm hitting "support" because I take the yes position on this question, but frankly posts like this make me want to switch sides. It's like someone constructed a living stereotype of some slacker stoner and put them on the internet to argue the pro-legalization case.

Some tips if you want to be taken seriously in a text based debate:

1. The first letter of the first word in a sentence is capitalized.

2. Punctuation. Use it.

3. "u" is not a word.

4. "better than..."


And all that in one sentence... I blame the rise of texting.

Side: yes
1 point

I would be much happier if the law had nothing to do with weed.

Side: Neither