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Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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LoveStargirl(496) pic

Should young children have to learn about the REAL world at a young age for protection?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 5

Yes. I told my children NEVER to accept candy from a stranger..., and then I sent them out trick-or-treating ;)

Side: Yes

Yes, I'm not saying you should say "your gonna die and have some terrible times in life" to a toddler, but considering there is a large amount of kids who don't figure out what the "real world" is like till they hit 18.

Side: Yes

i think that children should be told about the real life situations and evils of the world step by step. when a todler, say "Stranger Danger" and "Dont take candy from a stranger". then, when they are at least 7 or 8, tell them about to be careful out on the streets and watch out for cars and stuff. then, when you feel they are mature enough, tell them about kidnappers and rapists and child molesters, but still try not to scare them. its not about scaring them, but its just giving them a heads up.

Side: Yes
2 points

I don't see how exposing a young developing, innocent mind to the harshness of life will protect them, human children don't have the life experience to be able to understand the gravity of certain things. Some things in life are horrible, but childhood, given the child has a normal one, isn't.

As parents, it is our responsibility to protect our children and expose them to the world by degrees.

Side: No
LeRoyJames(372) Disputed
1 point

What "harshness of life"? My life is a fricken breeze. I don't know what people are complaining about.

Side: Yes
BananaBerry(8) Disputed
1 point

You're kidding. Just because your life is "a fricken breeze" that doesn't mean the other 7 billion people on this earth have a breezy life. Have you even watched the news lately? It's either that, or you live on another planet.

Side: No
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
1 point

The problem with that is most parents miss the point that their kids grow up. They don't teach them soon enough, because they think they have more time. When in reality, they don't.

Side: Yes
1 point

It really depends on how you classify a "young age". There are certainly aspects of this world that I'd teach my children, such as one person said above. However, there are other things that they should not know about. Unnecessary things. Horrific things. Cruel things.

Side: No

I was protected from the real world when I was a youngster and I believed in Santa Claus and later growing up, I discovered what an ugly world it is with all the hate and wars.

Side: No