
Debate Info

Major fail. Sitara fails.
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Major fail. (4)
 Sitara fails. (5)

Debate Creator

SitaraForJesus(3819) pic

Sitara's Daily Fail.

Major fail.

Side Score: 6

Sitara fails.

Side Score: 6
1 point

Those guys think Tebow is a rape baby. Nope. Sorry, try again.

Side: Major fail.
Side: Major fail.
2 points

Urg why the hell did I sit through that. Thanks for wasting me 8 minutes :/

Side: Sitara fails.

I know, but its a major fail, right? Youre so cute. ;)

Side: Sitara fails.
Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

Not really. Its what he believes and it seems consistent with Christian morality (as immoral as that sometimes is)?

Side: Major fail.

He may be obnoxious but I don't see how that is a fail? What are you referring to expect for him being obnoxious?

Side: Sitara fails.