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 Skewed Perspectives on Child Pornography. (4)

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Amandabriggs(7) pic

Skewed Perspectives on Child Pornography.

I am new to this site. I've been scrolling through it and looking at old debates. 

I stumbled upon this:

I felt my blood boil as I read through it. I felt compelled to write my own perspective/response to it because it is the one thing in the world that truly breaks my heart more than anything else. 

I was sexually abused as a child. I was never exploited for pornography, but I know what it feels like to be abused. The idea that my abuser COULD have put up videos or pictures of these acts happening on the internet, and that they could begin circulating through the web, it sickens me, I'm still, years later, scarred from what transpired when I was a toddler, it affected my entire life. So you're asking, does the viewing of child pornography hurt anyone?

You're hurting that child, to begin with. You're revelling in their pain. You're supporting it. 

By revelling in their pain, and viewing those videos, you are supporting the makers of those videos to keep making more videos and keep hurting more children. If nobody was watching, they wouldn't have a market. The lowest, most degrading, shameful, painful moment in an individuals life sold to millions of people worldwide. 

Not hurting anyone yet?

There have been accounts of child pornography actually inspiring tangible peodohilia. There are child pornography sites dedicated to encouraging paedophiles to act on their fantasties, and post their own videos. 

Not hurting anyone yet?

The most important thing to realize, is that you are viewing an actual rape/assualt, and you are not doing anything to stop it, you are watching a crime in motion. By not contacting the police, you have become a part of that crime. If the police were contacted, they could investigate, they could track the criminals down, and justice could be served. You didn't though, did you? You opened another one, and savoured an innocent childs pain. So... I guess that makes you an accessory to a crime? 

Not hurting anyone yet?

If you sit in front of your computer, and convince yourself that the video you're watching of a man raping a 4 year old girl doesn't hurt anyone and "shouldn't warrant your arrest"

then I feel sorry for you, because you don't have a conscious.

That video you're watching? Imagine it's of my abuse. Imagine I came into the room, a fully grown women, and I said to you "Look at your screen, because if he doesn't kill me now, he'll be killing me for the rest of my days." 

Thats what child molestation and rape is. Child pornography is the ultimate way of exploiting a childs pain. That five minute clip you may stumble upon, that child is either dead now, or they are out there leading a broken life. Yet there you sit, having just masturbated over the moment in their life that broke their sense of humanity, and you say to yourself:

"I didn't actually HURT anyone."

If you're not watching it, then why are you fighting for it?


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I'm expecting mixed feedback, if any. Before you type a response "pro-watching child pornography" evaluate your motives and the kind of people you are defending. I'm not sure which angles people could come from, I've really tried to evaluate every single one, but all of them are, in essence, just justifications for the condoning of child abuse.

Also, there is this ridiculous argument

"I'm sure some people (perhaps not all) would be fine with having a picture rather than their imagination, but not stoop as low to actually do anything to a child.

That would thus, cut down the amount of children in total who have been victims of such acts, sure, there would still be some out there who wouldn't be able to hold themselves back, but I'd rather have the total number of children being hurt lowered, than keeping the child porn that already exists away because society has deemed it to be bad."

Now you see, that doesn't really make any sense at all. "Stooping that low" has already been done just by watching it. And this vague, bizarre statistic? Disproved by pretty much, everyone. There is absolutely NO guarentee that would happen. MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of children are getting raped, molested, murdered, prostituted every minute of every day. Making a claim that child pornography "reduces" child abuse is actually laughable, it escalates it to massive proportions because it ENCOURAGES it. It ADVERTISES it. and what could POSSIBLY be worse than being sexually abused? Having it sold to millions of people. Thats pretty much why society has "deemed it bad."

A final perspective:

How would you feel about someone legally being allowed to own snuff films? (films of people being murdered on camera). This is one of the most popular myths today, floating around, but in the world we live in today, I would never eradicate the possibility. So, you have someone hypothetically viewing the murder of another human being on their computer for their gratification, they are buying into an underground market, supporting it, supporting more people being murdered, so more people can watch. Would you think that was okay?

Child pornography is never viewed in this way because the children are always ALIVE in the movie/photos. Nobody ever considers what happens when the camera shuts off. A lot of the children are murdered, sold into child prostitution, and those that escape, are BROKEN.

Just think.

1 point

How would you feel about someone legally being allowed to own snuff films? (films of people being murdered on camera). This is one of the most popular myths today, floating around, but in the world we live in today, I would never eradicate the possibility. So, you have someone hypothetically viewing the murder of another human being on their computer for their gratification, they are buying into an underground market, supporting it, supporting more people being murdered, so more people can watch. Would you think that was okay?


You silly appeals to emotion are no match for my logical apathy, sorry. :/

Amandabriggs(7) Disputed
0 points

Hmmm, no emotion towards the subject, defending pedophiles... looks like you're "pro-child pornography" then. You haven't given me any backing to your argument, so I'm just going to assume the worst here.

Stryker(849) Disputed
1 point

And I'll just assume that you enjoyed everything that happened to you, but where does that get us?

I'd be happy to respond to a logical argument, not your emotional dribble.