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MKIced(2511) pic

So I've been tired and a wee bit sick recently...

And that's why I've been online a lot more than usual...  I discovered this one game called eRepublik.  It's a free browser game, but you can pay if you want to make it easier.  Right now, it's still pretty boring because for the first 5 levels, all you can really do is go to work and train with the army- essentially 2 clicks a day.  But at level 5, I'll be able to fight in wars and stuff, so it'll get more interesting (I started on thursday and now I'm level 4).

Recently, the game let me invite people.  And if one of my friends is invited, joins, and reaches level 6, I'll get 5 gold, which are very valuable in the game and hard to come by unless you pay.  So what do you say?  Would you like to join?Wink

If so, then you have to click this link:

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