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 Some of the most important things you've learned in life so far. (3)

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Some of the most important things you've learned in life so far.

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To enjoy the little things in life. Just this morning I was downtown (haven't been there in about a year!) and I saw a depressing site. I saw buildings getting updated. UPDATED!

I grew up looking at these buildings - now everything is changing. I mean, I could have shed a tear at the thought that these beloved buildings are being mutilated, being made to look 'modern'. I hate that modern shit.

It's a very emotional issue, being so nostalgic and all. How can they do it? Oh, how?

(sheds a tear)

Beautiful antiquarian buildings that I grew up with - gone!

Life is a zero sum game.

Take nobody as a real friend because inevitably you will get stabbed in the back.

Keep you friends close but your enemies closer.

Family is really the only concrete thing in life.

To smile a lot and to be nice to everyone I meet and that war is wrong.