
Debate Info

true false
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 true (2)
 false (2)

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tugger5678 pic

Some users on here are stalkers

This debate is not about the user goodmale/whatisright. I just wanted to know if there are stalkers on this site because the "jump" feature seems to promote stalking.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 3
1 point

You are so true stalker tugger5678. You need a life. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: true
tugger5678 Disputed
2 points

You need a life.

says the guy who enjoys having sex with his dog

Side: false
1 point

You two need to stop using Andy's site as your personal drama pool. Take it somewhere else.

Side: false
tugger5678 Disputed
1 point

First of all I assume you are talking about goodmale/whatisright which this debate has absolutely NOTHING to do with. If you think it does please show me exactly where I ever called him a stalker? Because I NEVER did.

Second, drama pool? Well, what exactly are you doing right now on his debate about me?

Third, if a person makes accusations against me, I will defend myself and if you don't like that then that is your problem.

Side: true
pakicetus(1455) Clarified
2 points

First of all I assume you are talking about goodmale/whatisright which this debate has absolutely NOTHING to do with.

Well, sorry. It just seemed like a big coincidence, considering he had made a similar debate about you.

Second, drama pool? Well, what exactly are you doing right now on his debate about me?

Debating about his claims.

Third, if a person makes accusations against me, I will defend myself and if you don't like that then that is your problem.

I don't have a problem with that.

Side: true