
Debate Info

Mario. Sonic.
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Mario. (6)
 Sonic. (6)

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Cynical(1948) pic

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Challenge Debate: Sonic is superior to Mario.

This debate will be on which character is superior to the other. Only things considered canon in their respective universes may be used in this debate.



Side Score: 6
Winning Side!


Side Score: 6
1 point

I will support that Mario is superior to Sonic.

Firstly, Mario has several superhuman abilities.

Superhuman Strength: Mario is able to lift and press objects that are several times his actual weight. This is shown in several of Mario games, the most notable being in “Super Mario World” where he easily lifts a castle.

Superhuman Durability: Mario has been shown to have a significant amount of durability, as he can endure great impact and enduring extreme environments (extreme heat and an extreme lack of heat) without suffering any physical repercussions.

Superhuman Stamina: Mario can maintain a continuous amount of physical amount for an seemingly limitless amount of time

Superhuman Speed: Mario is capable of have an amazing amount of speed. As seen in “Super Paper Mario” he is able to outpace sound, and Koopa the Quick refers to Mario as a “human blur.”

Pyrokinesis: It is shown in many of the Mario games that Mario has the ability to create and manipulate fire, normally caused by him getting a Fire Flower. However, he is occasionally seen having this power without needing possession of a Fire Flower.

Secondly, Mario has access to an array of power-ups that allow him to increase aspects of his abilities.

Fire Flower: This gives the Mario the ability to control and manipulate fire. As well, as allowing him to shoot blasts of fire.

Mushrooms: The various mushrooms give Mario the ability to grow to an superhuman height, increasing his already Superhuman strength significantly.

Invincibility Stars: These rare items give Mario the ability to become invincible for a short amount of time, preventing any damage for the duration of the invincibility.

Side: Mario.

i'll be honest. i like to play both games ... BUT, I THINK THAT SONIC I S BETTER. yes, i admit that mario may be more known worldwide, but sonic is cooler when it comes to character,plot, the actual game play, and personality. heres what I say....:

1.It took real creativity to make a blue, human figured(im talkin bout his body shape and stuff) talking hedgehog thats faster than the speed of light and sound. thats creativity.

2.While mario mainly saves the same princess peach on most of his adventures, sonic saves the planet and even the universe sometime from either the same old eggman or aliens or some other mystical force or something. and like mario, sonic has awesome and epic transformations like super sonic and super mario, dark sonic,etc.

3.actually i think both mario and sonic have great gameplay with many unique and unusual levels filled with arrays of colors that make u want to jump and prance. sonic has a speedy type of gameplay, and mario has regular platforming and fun things too. wow i just wasted an entire number explaining BOTH OF THEM, NOT SONIC darn.

4. sonic has much of a personality. he's always the optimist, always smiling or joking around even when he shouldnt be. he is short tempered though, and hes always there when the planet needs saving, or even small problems.he also says cool catch phrases. his personality is just plain cool.

Side: Sonic.
Cynical(1948) Disputed
1 point

1) A plumber that saves the Mushroom Kingdom and saves Princess Toadstool continuously isn't creative?

2) In "Super Mario Galaxy," he saved the universe.

3) Mario is one of the first games that introduced the platforming style of game play, and the Mario games has some of the best visually designed levels, so it's platforming aspect is significantly good.

4) Mario has a leadership personality, never giving up even at the most worst of times.

Side: Mario.

u make good points... u r right about all ur facts and power ups but without them, mario is almost powerless, though he still has his superhuman abilities. even though sonic uses power ups too, without them sonic is still very powerful. even though mario is still powerful without his powerups, he probably would never be able to finish all his adventures without them. sonic most likely could finish his adventure without them with his natural speed and wit and superhuman abilities. sonic doesn't need powerups to save the day

Side: Sonic.
Cynical(1948) Disputed
1 point

Mario's superhuman speed is easily enough to rival Sonic's speed, if not already exceeding it. Mario's other various superhuman abilities easily make Mario superior to Sonic.

You can use the "dispute" button to refute my arguments, by the way.

Side: Mario.

if sonic had to help princess peach he would have gotten their months before sonic. also, mario does have a possible future with peach, but sonic has a freaky girl all over him, and in the old days sally acorn had a crush on him, blaze has some kind of somethin for him amd probably many other girls too.

Side: Sonic.
Cynical(1948) Disputed
1 point

if sonic had to help princess peach he would have gotten their months before sonic.

This is an assumption, considering there is no proof to accept this, since both Mario and Sonic are of equal speeds.

also, mario does have a possible future with peach, but sonic has a freaky girl all over him, and in the old days sally acorn had a crush on him, blaze has some kind of somethin for him amd probably many other girls too.

What does this have to do with the debate?

Side: Mario.

sonic games are always new and original with things, and the levels are always creative,colorful, and mindnumbing, literally. when i wuz playin sonic colors, one of the levels started upsidedown and was full speed, filled with blues, reds, oranges, greens,yellows, like an entire rainbow and stars, so it was like that 4 ten seconds and when that part was over, i just stared at the screen like my brain was cut off and sonic ended up dying cuz he kept getting hit so. but sonic games give u extreme visual effects and blows ur mind away. look at this.

Sonic colors starlight carnival
Side: Sonic.
Cynical(1948) Disputed
1 point

The Mario games are highly visually appealing. For example, this video is mod levels of the Super Mario Bros. game, but the person uses the same background items, and it is immensely appealing to the eyes, as it focuses on all areas of the map. Unlike the Sonic game video you provided, which seem to focus on the runway for Sonic, rather than the entire map. Also, the sound as the game is playing is significantly good.

Super Mario TKO - The Road Less Taken
Side: Mario.

sonic has many transformations, epic and totally awesome transformations. such as Supersonic, Hypersonic, Dark sonic, Darkspine Sonic, Sonic the Werehog (werewolf) and Excalibur Sonic. maybe even others I dont know about. and they always end up looking so awesome and cool, epic, etc.

Side: Sonic.
Cynical(1948) Disputed
1 point

Mario has several transformations, as well. The most notable being Raccoon Mario [1], Boomerang Mario [2], and Invincible Mario [3].

Also, the 'awesomeness' of the transformations is subjective, and I would not like to make this an opinionated debate.




Side: Mario.

. but even though mario had a big impact on the video game world, sonic had created a really unique and different style of video games, having a really big impact on the industry because it wasnt the average platforming game, but it added the element of speed and it was irreplaceable and is truly one of a kind.

Side: Sonic.