
Debate Info

steelers patriots
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:15
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 steelers (7)

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jlee823(44) pic

Steelers or Patriots


Side Score: 13


Side Score: 1
3 points

They are two great teams but Steelers have a little more smash mouth right now and when they get into the playoffs they seem to turn it up a notch. Pats are great but they have more weekness in the lineback core.

Side: Steelers
2 points

Alright Steelers are the Champs still so until the end of the year they are the defending Champs and are still the best team.

Side: Steelers
2 points

Steelers will win. They will when because they have a great defensive that can stop the run. They have great cornerbacks and safties that can defend thpass. The have a great running game toO. They have great receivers. Big Ben is a great QB.

Side: Steelers

My boyfriend hates the Patriots, so I hate the Patriots. It's reason enough for me, I guess.

Side: Steelers
1 point

i think the steelers because i play for them and who has the most super bowl rings steelers do boy so na and whose QB is unstopable BIGBEN ROTHSLINBERGER

Side: Steelers
1 point

Deffinatly steelers, the steelers defense if legendary and their offense if dominante the patriots are good to but atleast the steelers didn't blow it when they made it to the super bowl.

Side: Steelers
1 point

HA HA HA, Hoodie blew up you Boston LOOSER. Keep thinking your coach is a genius, what a total moron he is, just like going for it on 4th and 13 in Super Bowl XLII, another dumb move. Five Years since your last title.

Side: Steelers
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