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Debate Score:2
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Steroid use in sports


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1
1 point

Steroids is good for a lot of thing like it help with illnesses and chronic muscle wasting syndrome with HIV. It help with asthma and a certain type of breast cancers and anemia. Steroids is really use for the muscle it help you train harder. And it keep the muscle you gain from a longer time ago you work out so if you have not work out in 3 weeks ago your muscle do not go a way so easily.

Steroids also prevent hormone from binding to its receptor sites it mean that it prevents muscle breakdown. Steroids help your recovery rate better recovery mean that if you fall down or something you can heal faster. And steroids give you a better muscle mass. Steroids really help with asthma it reduce swelling production in the airways of a person with asthma that is the good effect that steroids have on you

Side: For
1 point

I'm Against Steroids because it is bad and it cause liver problems and it make you get angry a lot. It kill lots of people for taking steroids but it can help with asthma and lupus. Anabolic steroids is the most buy steroid there is there are more than 100 variations of anabolic steroids. Lot of athletes take steroids to run faster and hit harder and get bigger and lift heavier items and weights.You can go crazy for taking a lot of steroids by being mad and stress out

Lot of wrestlers and NBA and NFL and MLB players use steroids a wrestler died from steroids he went crazy and killed his family and his self. They are more baseball players that take steroids then all the others sports it is 26 MLB players that got a suspend for taking steroids in the years of 2005-2009 but in the year of 2005 was the most suspension. Most sports have banned steroid but the players take it from more strength and stamina.

These are all the side effect of using steroids it is high blood pressure and water retention is a swelling in the neck and acne is a lot of blobs and gynecomastia it is a formation of breast or large glands and aggression is that you got mad a lot and real ruff and cardiovascular disease is the class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels arteries and veins and jaundice is an illness that makes your eyes become yellow. Less common side effect is eye changing and hair loss and head and stomach aches and facial hair on women and many more.

Side: Against