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kozlov(1754) pic

Study finds belief in free market economics predicts rejection of science.

Makes sense!

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I am no right-wing advocate but this is simply bollocks.

Side: No
1 point

Notice how they say "such as climate change."

This is called confirmation bias. It's common for disbelievers in global warming to also be Conservatives. Conservatives tend to also CLAIM that they accept free market principles.

There are also libertarians. However, note that one of the leading Libertarian research institutes confirmed that global warming was most likely true.

As well, to say "predicts" is a very unscientific claim. There is an association between climate change deniers and people who like the idea of free markets. There is also an association between computer programming skills and people who like free markets. so what?

This doesn't, however, help in the argument of actual free market vs. statist regulation.

Side: No