
Debate Info

Halo UNSC Star Wars Empire
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Halo UNSC (3)
 Star Wars Empire (1)

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SovietSpy(709) pic

Stupid Question: The Halo UNSC or the Galactic Empire

Star wars vs Halo


Side Score: 3

Star Wars Empire

Side Score: 1

As much as i love lightsabers and sith lightning, I will have to go with UNSC because it is more realistic (not that it matters much to me, it just makes it more relatable) and i just like the variety of weapons.

Side: Halo UNSC
1 point

Star wars is for people who love to fantasies a lot but i am more of a halo fan

Side: Halo UNSC
1 point

...............................:.......Halo unsc has the master chief

Side: Halo UNSC
1 point

Star Wars has Yoda.

Side: Star Wars Empire