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 Superman -VS- Goku (3)

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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Superman -VS- Goku

Forget everything you read, or anything you may have seen on screw attack.

I want to know, not only what you think, but what'd you like. I want to see some scenarios. Here's my take. Goku, has Zenkai, his ablity to come back as strong as the attack that almost killed him, that means he virtually limitless on power, unless superman, with his strict moral code of not killing people, decideds to completly wipe him out upon the 1st hit.

Superman can move faster than the speed of light, allegedly, but Goku can instant transmit, which according to the manga is not about time it's about it's about place and energy. he moves faster than light because he's teleporting instantaneously!

Superman can move planets, and has, with just his strength in his arms, but Goku, as said can become imeasurably strong, and took a move that was said to be the strongest on the planet, The Kamehawave, and does it: *google these if you like*

In one hand

On a moments notice

Earth shateringly

AND With his feet!

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1 point

Superman prime.

Second only to Presence/God.

And not by a lot.....

Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

see i knew someone would say that, but goku's zenkai will still make him stronger eventualy. Also, if Supes doesn't kill him, which he absolutley refuses to do to anything witha brain, Goku ill just come back stronger then enxt time.

Superman is the epitome of a superhero and I don't think any other superhero could beat him.