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 System of Education is wrong (4)

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Dair(17) pic

System of Education is wrong

The system of education is based on the evaluation, not the education. Therefore, students' first goal is to pass the course they are required to, but not to get knowledge from it.

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1 point

I think it's true, because there are a lot of ghost writers or shadow writers today, who do somebody else's assignments for them for money. It is a good evidence of the failure of current system of education. If it was based on the principle to get knowledge, education, not the principle to graduate or fail, ithere would be no such things as cheating.

1 point

Because most people who are getting an education are going into business after graduation the education system has become just another business, where knowledge is not valued, but getting the job done is.

1 point

In my point of view, it would be much better for students' knowledgeability, if students learned the material on their own at home, for example, but in classes they would discuss it with their peers. So in that case every student will study in his own pace, not depending on the rest of the class. I don't think there a smart and stupid students. It is just the matter of the pace. Some can acquire information fast, others need more time. But the last ones may get more information that first.

Odans(2) Disputed
1 point

"if students learned the material on their own at home" - Home schooling?

There is also the issue that, If everyone is given the choice as to work at their own pace there will be:

1. A difference in the stage they're at, this would mean that they will not be able to discuss a topic in class until everyone has finished it. Causing the class to be degraded to its slowest link.

2. People are VERY likely to abuse the system. It is quite well-known that not all students love school. Meaning they would just decide not to do it, or fake that they do not understand, in order to do more entertaining tasks.