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Reality television has become very popular over the past decade with shows such as "Survivor", "Big Brother" and "The Apprentice" attracting big audiences and making a lot of money for broadcasters worldwide. A definition of reality television is quite difficult but at its most basic it means programmes that show things really taking place, rather than drama or comedy that follows a script. Typically reality TV involves a group of people who are not trained actors being filmed in unusual situations over a period of time. Sport and news programmes are not considered reality TV. Documentaries that explore aspects of society are a grey area, with some closer to news reporting and others blurring into reality TV because they set up situations which did not already exist. Recently celebrity versions of reality shows have made definition even harder, because they show the private lives of professional singers, actors, sportspeople, etc. as they cope with new situations. Reality TV is often a hot topic as proponents believe it paints an unrealistic and inappropriate portrait and is therefore bad for our society and the children that make up the majority of the audience. They call for a cut in the number of hours given over to reality programmes, or even to ban them completely. Opponents meanwhile maintain that people should be allowed to watch what they like, and that reality programmes make good TV, as shown by consistently high viewer figures.


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While it's understandable to have concerns about reality television, it's also important to recognize the positive aspects it can offer. For instance, joining a community like the one dedicated to 90 day fiance the other way and its spin-offs can provide a platform for meaningful discussions about the impact of reality TV. By engaging with others who share your interests, you can gain insights into the complexities of these programs and how they affect society. Additionally, being part of such a community allows you to stay informed about the latest gossip, episode discussions, and updates on the participants, providing a well-rounded perspective on the topic.

Side: Good