
Debate Info

Yes, I agree. No, I do not agree.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:8
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 Yes, I agree. (4)

Debate Creator

Ms Safiqah(11) pic

Technology brings more advantages than disadvantages. Do you agree?

Yes, I agree.

Side Score: 4

No, I do not agree.

Side Score: 0
1 point

On a whole - yes. Advances in medical technology alone outweighs the disadvantages.

Side: Yes, I agree.
1 point

People now a days work around with computers. Without technolgy, people will have to work hard, not much work is done and so impossible task being done by humans now really become impossible. So in my defence, i say technogly is really needed.

Side: Yes, I agree.
0 points

As it is a strong communication tool. For example,by using email,or MSN(Messenger),people can communicate with each other across the globe. If there isn't technology in this world,we might face problems like,not being able to do researches for our school projects,and many other uses. In conclusion, i think that technology is really useful to us,and it helps to lighten our workload in our daily lifes.

Side: Yes, I agree.

Oh, absolutely, especially in terms of medicine and transportation. Thanks to the former, we can now live a lot longer, and thanks to the latter, it now takes hours to get places that it used to take days, or even weeks, to get to. Plus, computers have been good for scientists and mathematicians to do mass calculations at rapid speeds. All three of those things have given us the potential as humans to get so much more done.

People forget sometimes that there's more to technology than things like Google and GPS's and fancy iPhones that supposedly make people "lazy."

Side: Yes, I agree.
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