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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Agree (3)
 Disagree (2)

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Liber(1712) pic

The Death of No Individual Ought to be Cheered

No matter the individual, death is not an occurence which ought ever be praised or cause gladness.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 3
2 points

Death is a natural part of life meriting no more tears or cheer really than taking a shit or sneezing.

To the question of when a bad person dies, cheer if you like I suppose, but not for some natural thing that happens to all of us or out of some vengeful dark spirit. Cheer, the girl on the other side said but as par for course on the wrong side, for whatever changes may come from that.

Of course human nature does not allow us to look at it so logically, and we shouldn't beat ourselves up for not meeting some zen criteria of emotion after an enemy's death, but some part of everyone's mind should take a moment to consider any death, enemy or ally, in this context for a moment at least I think.

Side: agree
1 point

No matter what a person has done throughout their life it is unacceptable to cheer for ones death, a death is a sad thing no matter whos death it is.

Side: agree
2 points

I don't see why... if you're happy that the person die, there's no reason to NOT cheer (unless you're trying to be considerate, or w/e).

What I'm saying is... do whatever you want. No point in hiding your feelings, unless you feel that putting up a front will benefit you more than expressing yourself.

Side: Disagree

Like Kim Jong Il? People don't cheer for his death, they cheer for the resulting change that can happen now that he is dead. Different things, though they occur simultaneously.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I cheer for Kim John Il's death, it was the best world news in months. Actually, thinking about throwing a party on his account. The same goes for bin Laden, even though there were no pictures of either, but it calls for celebration.

Side: agree