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Yes, its possible No, its not possible
Debate Score:52
Total Votes:56
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 Yes, its possible (27)
 No, its not possible (25)

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KitKats(5) pic

The U.S. Should Help Rebels Defeat Gadhafi

Yes, its possible

Side Score: 27

No, its not possible

Side Score: 25
1 point

After Egypt's victory of freedom came true it has sparked courage in other Arabic countries to earn freedom in their government. The US can and should help rebels in Libya get rid of Gadhafi he has been murdering many people and that is unacceptable. It is time for Gadhafi to leave. The US should help rebels especially cause they are asking for help. Also helping Libya will create an alliance, which may benefit the US with oil.

Side: Yes, its possible
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

So, should we also help those being killed in Syria and Bahrain? What about the Congo and the Sudan where killing has been going on for years? I'm not trying to be a jerk... just wondering why Libya? We can't help everyone.

Side: No, its not possible
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

There are plenty of reasons, oil is one, although not that important in this conflict it can still not be neglected i.e. ensuring its price and security of supply i.e. stability is another. They also want to maintain a good foothold in the region, the US and nato want to show that they're in control of the situation. Also, i think there may be an element of divertin attention from the fact that they (US mainly but France and UK to) are backing the very dictators that are massacring and repressing their people i.e. Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia. Not syria obviously, thats why is receving so much air time on Western media.

Side: Yes, its possible
1 point

Its going on at the moment the US can make a difference By helping now and the problem will be over. Obama is correct that when we can do something about it why don't we?

Side: Yes, its possible
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

Look my friend, im not saying your sentiment is wrong, if anything i agree with it. The problem is that supporting a rebel group that is most liley split along ethnic lines is very dangerous. You should realise the only reason the US and Nato are supporting the rebels is because they are against Gaddafi. Now im not saying their bad but they may be just as capable of commiting atrocites as Gaddafi himslef if they take power. Remember Kosovo, the Us and Nato intervened once it had become apparent that Serbs were commiting ethnic cleansing against the Yugoslavian people, what you didnt hear about was the Yugoslavian milita that were subsequently backed (arms and funding) by Washington and her allies were just as guilty of commiting atrocites. What im saying is if the US and Nato contiue to help the rebels militarily they may find out later is wasn't such a humantarian move at all, but you see they dont care, they just want Gaddafi gone at this piont, hes proved to be a thron in their sides.

Side: No, its not possible

They US are already helping them and they're doing it for a reason... The government just doesn't do thing for no reason just look at history were in Libya because we have the chance of getting rid of an Islamic tyrant and setting up a western style democracy eliminating the future treat... War is always misunderstood because the reason is too complicated for the general public to even grasp. Just look at Korea and Vietnam the US got involve to contain the spread of communism and it worked

Side: Yes, its possible

Gadhafi is a cruel dictator, power-hungry, and would resort to all means to hold on desperately to his power, even if it entails great loss of lives in his country. That is precisely why it's so out-of-hand that the US has to intervene and help rebels overthrow the government. Ultimately, we want the best for the Libyan citizens, though it would cause the life of Gadhafi to be risked. Even then, serves him right. He screwed the country, might as well screw him back BADLY.

Side: Yes, its possible

We have to back the rebels for several reasons 1. We are one of the few NATO Countries with assets in the area 2. We are one of the three permanent members of NATO and as such we have to spear head the assitinting of the rebels

Side: Yes, its possible
1 point

I'm not that educated in the affairs of this government, or any for that matter, but I strongly think that in any situation that the U.S. should mind their own business. America always is trying to interfere with something that has nothing to do with them.

Side: No, its not possible
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

My God i think ive found my soul mate. Not trying to freak you out or anything its just i agree very strongly with that sentiment. It's really refreshing to hear that even people not well versed in politcs can have such an enlightened and awakened view of the world around, especially considering the propaganda inherent in the media.

Side: Yes, its possible
1 point

Lol, well I thought it was kind of obvious. How america government acts usually reminds me of children. Which is why I tend not to educate myself in the details. Thought I know that may hurt me later...

Side: Yes, its possible

We don't really know who the rebels are, or what their agenda is. For all we know they're going to install a theocracy or another military dictatorship. N.A.T.O simply decided that as they oppose Gadhafi, they must be our allies.

Side: No, its not possible

After further thought on the matter i was wrong Gadhafi creates stability.Any democratic change in the region is more than likely to fail and return to a more radical Islamic form of government in the long run is inevitable .They problem in the Middle East is their religion because of its inability to evolve with times.

Side: No, its not possible
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

There are western Muslims who very much support more modern ideologies, such as democracy.

Side: Yes, its possible