
Debate Info

Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 The best people on CreateDebate. (7)

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Sitara(11075) pic

The best people on CreateDebate.

Andy, Stardust, Hellno, Saurbaby, Abby, Lizzie, me. I will post more as a think of them.

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I like Lizzie. She is so nice. You also seem very polite. Lizzie must be incredibly nice or something because her spotlight was filled with positive comments.

1 point

Thank you. .

1 point

Srom, Cauroc, JoeCalvary, Judas. .

1 point

Lizzie,Ismailia, Hellno, Joe, Saurbaby, Cuaroc,Vermick, bemagic15, 11wolf, Cambriel, RandomDude, oh-no, ChadOnSunday, LittleMisfit,Cynical, AveSatanas, AbbyNestor,warrior, Quocalimer, and many more.

1 point

Thank you. .

I appreciate that. Thank you .

1 point

Vermick, RandomDude. .