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KKKmosabi(21) pic

The best thing to ever happen to BLACKS was slavery

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2 points

Of course; if it were not for slavery, they'd still be starving their asses off back in Africa.

1 point

Before the Europeans and Americans bought the blacks out of black slavery, they lived like animals in the most underdeveloped continent on earth.

The average IQ in Africa is 70-75 with large groups of blacks having IQ's in the 50's

North American blacks have IQ's in the 80's, still 20 points short of the White average though.

Now that blacks are out of slavery they listen to stupid rap "music" and speak as though they drink Novocaine instead of water.

They try to improve their status and show their dominance amongst other monkeys by having "rap battles" and when they lose they get their gang-bang buddies and shoot the other monkeys with illegally purchased guns.

Blacks need a short leash if they are to be able to contribute to society, they can't do it on their own.

Side: Absolutely
1 point

1) the "Flynn effect" proves that there are multiple problems with the accuracy of IQ tests, they are not always accurate at depicting the intelligence of a person.

2)rap music is appreciated by both black and white people. it is part of the modern culture. as Americans, we are suppose to accept the cultures of others, as it is in they white to live the way they choose, as Americans.

3)not all African Americans are members of gangs. further more not all white people are "honest" and law abiding citizens. To group one race as either good or bad is wrong.

4)referring to Africans Americans as monkeys, and stating they need to be kept on a leash is wrong.

Side: slavery is never right
KKKmosabi(21) Disputed
1 point

A 30 point gap is NOT the fault of an imperfect test unless the test was based on things black people are incapable of doing.

Are you saying black people just can't do math?

Just because rap is part of pop culture doesn't make it any more than a way for talentless circus monkey rejects to make money without actually contributing to society.

Sure, not all blacks are in gangs, but there would be less than half the gangs and gang related violence (a rather modest estimation) in America without blacks.

Side: slavery is never right
1 point

All of you are just man whores. Enough Said.

I don't understand, what's the point of all this?

Is this all you do with your life?

Such losers

Go read a book or something

Side: slavery is never right